How old is maryland university

The common shared objective is to enhance the goals of the institution. See the USM policy for specific examples. UMB is a catalyst, promoting social justice, improving health, and serving the public good of Maryland and the region. Now, more than ever, we seek your support to continue this legacy. Visit the Catalyst Campaign website to learn more and consider donating to the cause. Parren Mitchell , the first African-American graduate student to take all of his classes at College Park, graduates.

The Art-Sociology Building, which opens in , is later renamed in his honor. Memorial Chapel opens, dedicated to Terps who died while serving in the U. Under head coach Jim Tatum , the Terrapins football team is declared national champions with a record. Thomas B. Symons is acting president of the university for nine months before Wilson H.

Elkins takes over as president. The student union , later named for Adele H. Stamp, dean for women, is built. Elaine Johnson arrives as one of seven Black students and in becomes the first African American female undergraduate to complete her degree, in education. Cole Field House opens.

Theodore McKeldin. McKeldin Library is completed. Darryl Hill becomes the first Black football player at Maryland and breaks the color barrier in the Atlantic Coast Conference. Two years later, Billy Jones accomplishes the same in basketball.

The Tawes Fine Arts Building opens. Rebecca Carroll is the first African-American woman to earn a doctorate, in education. Hagerstown Hall becomes the first co-ed residence hall, a significant change from restrictive rules previously placed on female students. Charles Edwin Bishop is named first chancellor of the College Park campus. National Guard troops are called to campus to respond to anti-Vietnam War protests.

For much of May, clashes continue among students, police officers and guardsmen. The Nyumburu Cultural Center , a hub for Black social, cultural and intellectual events and programming, opens. The Undergraduate Library opens and is named in for R.

Lee Hornbake , a faculty member who rose to vice president for academic affairs for the University System of Maryland. Shuttle-UM is established by the Black Student Union to promote security for students walking through campus during the evening hours. Dorsey is named acting chancellor. Gluckstern becomes chancellor. Four years after the passage of Title IX prohibits sex-based discimination in federally funded schools and programs, Paula Girven and Jane Connolly are the first women to recieve athletic scholarships, in track and field and basketball, respectively.

The University of Maryland celebrates the U. Kirwan is named interim chancellor. John B. The College of Arts and Humanities is formed in a campuswide academic reorganization following the dissolution of the Division of Arts and Humanities. African American studies, anthropology, economics, geography, government and politics, hearing and speech sciences, criminology and criminal justice, psychology and sociology merge in the new College of Behavioral and Social Sciences. The five University of Maryland campuses are reorganized to form the University of Maryland System, now the University System of Maryland; College Park is designated the flagship university, and the title of chancellor is changed to president.

The university establishes its own alumni association. William E. Kirwan begins serving as president. The College of Engineering is renamed the A. James Clark School of Engineering in honor of the alumnus and benefactor. The Robert H. Smith School of Business is given the name of its alumnus and benefactor. Clayton Daniel Dan Mote Jr. The David C. Driskell Center is created in honor of the pioneering African American artist, collector, scholar and distinguished university professor.

The Comcast Center, now called Xfinity Center , opens as home to basketball and gymnastics. M Square launches as the largest research park inside the Washington Beltway. Enrollment by Program. Nursing Two specialties in top 10 in U. Pharmacy 14th U. Community Service 2 million volunteer hours annually Students, faculty, and staff contribute more than 2 million hours of service annually to citizens throughout Maryland, providing programming that improves health and wellness, advances justice, promotes economic development, and strengthens families and communities.

Equal Opportunity The University of Maryland, Baltimore UMB does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, marital status, protected veteran's status, or age in its programs and activities.

Engagement in Baltimore The new UMB Community Engagement Center CEC , adjacent to campus and almost seven times larger than the original CEC, provides direct health, employment, legal, and social services to West Baltimore residents, and works with them on neighborhood-strengthening projects. The UMB CURE Scholars Program is a long-term mentoring initiative designed to excite West Baltimore middle and high school students about science and begin preparing them for rewarding careers in research and health care.

The School of Social Work operates Promise Heights, a network of partnerships and services intended to stabilize and strengthen families in a high-need West Baltimore neighborhood and help children succeed in school.

The Partnership with West Baltimore is a collaboration between UMB and the University of Maryland Medical Center designed to improve population health, stimulate economic and community development, boost academic achievement, and nurture community connections.

Dentistry The only dental school in Maryland also is the largest provider of oral health services to Medicaid children and the largest provider of oral health care to people living with HIV disease who are uninsured or underinsured.

Nearly 19, patients and more than 76, patient visits are recorded each year. Francis King Carey School of Law Each year, Carey Law students provide nearly 75, hours of free legal services through 18 legal clinics, making the Clinical Law Program one of the region's largest public interest law firms. The clinic serves as a clinical placement for nursing and medical students at UMB.

Social Work More than social work students provide over , hours of care to Maryland citizens annually. Other doctoral programs are: physical therapy, education leadership, pharmacy, food science and technology, and organizational leadership. Basic and applied research covers international and domestic agriculture sciences, marine and environmental sciences, and computer and mathematical sciences.

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