How old is rahm emanuel

Sign in. Log into your account. Password recovery. Forgot your password? Get help. Wealthy Persons. Rahm Emanuel. Please enter your comment! Please enter your name here. You have entered an incorrect email address! About Contact us Privacy Policy. Emanuel lost part of the middle finger on his right hand as a high school senior working on a meat slicer at Arby's. He avoided treatment because he didn't want to miss the prom, but was hospitalized when the finger became infected.

He has been known to flip the middle half-finger at people to great effect, though President Barack Obama has joked that the injury "rendered him practically mute. The Tribune sought minutes of Freddie Mac's meetings from Emanuel's tenure, but the Obama administration denied the request, saying it was "commercial information" exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

In , Daley's political organization -- including patronage workers whose hiring was later found illegal -- helped Emanuel win election to Congress. Emanuel has two accomplished brothers. Ezekiel, a physician who is a leading figure in medical ethics, serves as an adviser to Obama. But now he and Rahm are both working in Washington.

Emanuel's friendship with White House adviser David Axelrod, left, dates to , when Axelrod was a Tribune reporter and Emanuel sought publicity for a political group, Illinois Public Action. Axelrod told The New Yorker: "He was just relentless. During his studies there, he also worked in local and national politics, including a stint working on Democrat Paul Simon's election campaign for U.

In , Emanuel received a master's degree in speech and communication from Northwestern. His first post-graduation job was with the consumer rights organization Illinois Public Action. In , Emanuel served as the national campaign director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and in , he became the senior advisor and chief fundraiser for Richard Daley's campaign for the Chicago mayorship. Emanuel reportedly served briefly as a civilian volunteer in the Israel Defense Forces in , during the first Gulf War.

He was reportedly stationed in one of Israel's northern bases, where he rust-proofed brakes. Emanuel's fundraising abilities helped win him a job as director of finance for Bill Clinton 's presidential campaign in Following the campaign, Emanuel became a senior advisor in the Clinton White House, where he was responsible for organizing the meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in He was also a leading strategist in the unsuccessful push for universal healthcare in Emanuel left the White House in to become the managing director of an investment banking firm, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, in Chicago.

Emanuel resigned from the board in , during his successful run for a seat in the U. House of Representatives. In January , the new Democratic majority elected Emanuel to serve as chair of the Democratic Caucus—the fourth-highest ranking member of House Democratic leadership. While he was characterized by The New York Times as being "perhaps the most influential chief of staff of a generation," Emanuel quickly gained a reputation for his abusive, disparaging tirades, especially toward the Democratic Party.

In one particular incident, Emanuel made an inflammatory remark about conservative Democrats who didn't support President Obama's new health-care initiative, and his comments were leaked to the press. He later publicly apologized for his insensitive language. On September 30, , Emanuel left his post as chief of staff to run for the Chicago mayorship. He was replaced in the interim by political consultant Peter Rouse. On February 22, , Emanuel was elected mayor of Chicago. Emanuel was the topic of several Chicago news reports in , following claims by the Chicago Teachers Union that the mayor had been withholding resources from Chicago Public Schools.

Emanuel also received flak for his decision to leave Chicago amidst plans of a Chicago-wide teachers' strike in order to speak at the Democratic National Convention. On September 4, , Emanuel delivered the stunning announcement that he would not run for re-election next year. He left office in May , following the election of Democrat Lori Lightfoot.


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