Phantom Hourglass takes place directly after Wind Waker, which makes Link years old respectively. This happens after Phantom Hourglass, making Link years old in this title. Link is sent back in time, before Ganondorf had entered the sacred realm and claimed the Triforce, in order to prevent him from attaining it.
Eiji Aonuma stated that Link was 16 years old in Twilight Princess. But, since these events take place after Twilight Princess, it can be said that Link was around 17 years old in Four Swords Adventures. This timeline is a continuity in which Link is overpowered, which results in Ganondorf obtaining the Triforce. Princess Zelda and the people of Hyrule manage to seal him and the Triforce away in the sacred realm.
This leads to the events of A Link to the Past. Using the visual changes in his appearance as a guide, Link is said to be in his mid-teens during this installment. Since Link was approximately the same age as Zelda , he was around 16 or 17 years old. This would make him approximately 17 years old at least. This occurs several years after A Link Between Worlds. Within this installment, there are multiple Links which each hold unique abilities.
Although this is quite vague, fans have assumed that since Link was at least 17 years old in A Link to the Past, this would make Link in Triforce heroes upwards of 20 years old. This occurred a few months to one year after A Link to the Past, which would make Link around 17 years old , potentially nearing 18 years old. This installment was a direct sequel to A Link to the Past, which indicates that Link would be around years old at this time.
In The Adventure of Link, Link was 16 years old. This was stated by Hyrule Historia as well as by Shigeru Miyamoto. Written by Anonymous June 27, Sure there is violence, but it is very, very, very, very, mild.
I will admit when I was 5, I loved this game but was so scared to take a step into Hyrule, especially with the Redeads. I didn't go out to Hyrule on my N64 until I was 9, and I was just a little scared. But you shouldn't worry too much about nightmares. The gameplay is a masterpiece, and it's been hailed as THE best game of all time the N64 version, but the 3DS and N64 version are the same thing so it's a must have.
Kid, 12 years old October 10, What is known to be the best video game of all time. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the first 3D game that originated on the N64, and still has great feedback to experts. Though, since the graphics have improved, that means younger children can see violence, but there is little to no blood, and I know why the ESRB had to rate it, but it has no swearing. This title contains: Positive role models.
Ocarina of time. In this game you take control of a young boy named Link or whatever you name him on a quest to save Hyrule, during this you will fight with a sword and shield as well as other items you gain as you progress through the game, it takes you through both young Link and adult Links dungeons. This is sort of a watered down release from the very first N64 release because the N64's first release of OoT had a Crescent star, Muslim chanting in one dungeon's song and red blood.
If you want to experience OoT without the censoring get your hands on the 1. Had useful details. Teen, 16 years old Written by Eli A. November 6, My Dad got me this game for Christmas a few years ago, both me and my brother play it.
I'm currently in the second part of the game where u r an adult about to go solve the Forest Temple. Now to discuss content. I have read CSM say the Great Fairies are really suggestive, but it's not as bad as they say I did cringe a bit the first time I saw them though and they give Link upgrades such as magic and a charge attack for his sword.
CSM exaggerates a lot of things about entertainment. Also CSM, if ur going to review children's entertainment, do it without exaggerating content. The violence has no blood, I got this from the Zelda Wiki , but the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well do have occasional blood stains. Link does have weapons, magic items, and spells, but he does not use them for evil. Kid, 12 years old February 16, Great for kids 3 and up This game is really fun and great for kids 3 and up.
For kids that are bad at puzzle games it can be hard, but does not include anything bad for kids. Kid, 9 years old November 5, Good 3DS game It has a lot of really fun things in it but also some scary things like the battle against Dead Hand. Kid, 12 years old November 8, This game is just amazing. It is a bit older now, since it came out in , and its almost , but it is still a perfect remake of a revolutionary game The violence is Fantasy-Like, and there is some green blood In the original, one villain pukes red blood, but now its Green.
The great fairies are technically nude, but leaves and vines cover their suggestive parts. The Gerudos also wear bikini style clothing that expose their belly. Link is a great role model for many reasons.
Overall, fantastic game. Teen, 13 years old Written by ImBatman October 18, The point of the game is to travel across the land of Hyrule and gather ancient stones to open the door in the temple of time, but i'm not going to spoil the hole game if you haven't played it yet. The game is really easy to just pick up and play for new and experienced players.
The only real thing I have wrong with game is the Great Fairys that are scattered across Hyrule are dressed suggestively with only a line of ivy across there breast and skimpy ivy underwear, and some of the poses the do while levitating are kinda revealing, and when you first meet a new great Fairy the game's camra hovers in front of there bodys from foot to head, but nothing major remember this is a blocky N64 game, and the Fairys are optional to visit except the first one but they give very useful powers and spells.
Oh and there is a race in the game called the Zoras that are naked fish people but nothing graphic it just looks like they are wearing pale blue jump suits. But besides that a very epic and fun game!
Teen, 16 years old Written by LinkofHyrule February 18, He's a young boy who lives with his uncle, and dreams to go on an adventure.
The question on whether Link ages in Ocarina of Time has been hotly debated for years. On one hand, there are arguments that he does age because you can see it happen to other characters like Saria and Darunia. On the other hand, you could argue that the game is meant to be taken as a fairy tale or an allegory where time doesn't exist so Link never really ages at all.
However, I personally believe that Link does age in the game. A quick way to find out how old all of your links are is by using the age test tool. This tool will give you an estimate on how old each link is and if it's still live or not. You can use this information for a variety of things such as seeing which links need to be updated and which ones might not be relevant anymore. It's also a good idea to keep track of when you last updated some links because they may have changed since then!
The age of Link in the original Legend of Zelda has been a hotly debated topic for years. Some people say that he is 7, while others say that he is The truth is that it doesn't matter how old Link was when he saved Princess Zelda from Ganon's clutches because what matters most is his many adventures and how much courage he has to face any challenge! But what is his full name? That's right! You don't know it at all! His name is actually Dylin Horman, but he goes by Link in order to protect himself from those who would take advantage of him.
But now you know a little more about this mysterious character that we've been playing for decades.