Side Quest 3 Answers On illium who should I have liara kill? General 7 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: vanglak vanglak 11 years ago 1 I just finished derelict reaper and obtained geth but i cant seem to find him anywhere on normandy to activate it. User Info: Lord of Nightmares Lord of Nightmares 11 years ago 4 Yes, the only time you can activate him is before you go through the Omega-4 relay.
Blood Dragon Armor dlc is free. How to change character appearances. Side Quest. How exactly do I keep both Jacks and Mirandas loyalty? Here's how to get Legion in ME2 and when you should complete their loyalty mission. Legion is on board the derelict Reaper and helps Shepard deal with the threats there before the crew locates the IFF and enters the relay. However, there are some things to keep in mind before exploring the derelict Reaper.
There are a few ways to handle the Tali and Legion confrontation. Shepard disembarks from the vehicle and sends the rest away to safety, with Legion wishing Shepard-Commander good luck. Using the targeting laser , Normandy's targeting systems and the might of the Migrant Fleet, Shepard manages to destroy the Destroyer. Legion walks up to the Commander, stating that it is going to attempt to transfer its Reaper upgrades to the geth.
Unfortunately, the quarians are currently in battle with the disabled geth fleet while this takes place. Shepard is at a momentous crossroads: one wrong move will doom one or both great races. Depending on how Shepard handles the situation, the geth may or may not eliminate a majority of the quarian forces after being upgraded with the Reaper tech; achieving their own consciousness will provoke them to retaliate against the attacks from their creators, as they will be more concerned to preserve themselves than ever before.
Shepard has the power to prevent Legion from uploading the upgrades, allow Legion to upload them, or persuade the fleet to stand down and allow Legion the upload. If the first is chosen, Legion pleads with Shepard to reconsider, first emphasising the upgraded geth's value as allies before appealing to the Commander's goodwill, asserting that letting the geth die is not justice.
Shepard then has the option of standing by their decision or recanting at the last moment. If the Commander stands by the decision, the geth becomes hostile and attempts to kill Shepard, stating it will not allow the Commander to decide its people's fate. With Legion preoccupied, Tali stabs it with her knife. As Legion falls to the ground, Shepard has the option of taking several pistol shots at Legion's head, which kills the geth quickly. If Tali did not survive the Omega-4 suicide mission, Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay will be present instead of Tali, and she responds to Legion's attempt to kill Shepard by pulling out a shotgun and blasting Legion, which instantly ceases to function.
If Legion is allowed to upload the upgrades from the start or Shepard withdraws their decision to let the geth die, it begins uploading. Tali gives the order for all ships to stand down, but Han'Gerrel belays the order, and firing continues. Tali begs Legion not to continue, but it continues regardless, admitting that it regrets the deaths of the quarians but sees no alternative.
It soon finds out that copying the code is insufficient; direct personality dissemination is required. Legion must disperse itself to the geth consensus, thanking the Commander for the opportunity to do so while apologising that there is no other way before deactivating. Legion refers to itself as "I", not "we", signifying that it became a true individual rather than a gestalt intellect. If the quarian fleet did not cease fire, the newly-alive geth destroys the majority of the fleet, and with it, most of the quarian race.
A Geth Prime acting as an emissary later trudges up to Shepard. The Prime, now referring to itself as "I" as well, states that it will honor Legion's promise to help in the Reaper war. Shepard asks if Legion is still around but the Prime confirms that it is dead.
If the quarians back down, Legion still runs into the same problem in copying the code. Legion's last words are to Tali, thanking her for understanding, saying "Keelah se'lai" before deactivating.
Moments later, the same Geth Prime trudges up to them. The geth will honor Legion's promise, it says, sending the might of their fleets to help retake earth and the wisdom of their engineers to help build the Crucible. Although Shepard asks hopefully if Legion is alive, the Prime confirms Legion is dead, but promises that the geth will honor it.
Whatever the circumstances, Legion dies with the welfare of the geth in mind. Its name is engraved later on the Normandy's memorial wall. Mass Effect Wiki Explore.
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