Solar panels which way to face

Because people in Townsville use usually use considerably more electricity in summer than winter as they run their air conditioners, south facing modules can improve self consumption there. For example, some solar panels could be placed facing north and some facing west. This will result in an output similar to north-west facing panels. It is even possible to have solar panels facing in more than two directions. Clicking on one of the Australian capital cities below will display a compass image showing the optimum panel orientation for that city.

Power Loss Table: This table shows you how much energy you can expect to get from almost any combination of solar panel direction and angle in the capital cities, compared to the 'optimum' orientation.

The type of solar inverter you have will affect how many different directions in which you can place panels. The most common sort in Australia are string inverters. Some can only cope with solar panels facing in one direction, but inverters that can handle two directions are now common. Microinverters and power optimisers are tiny devices attached to each solar panel. As they make each module independent of the others you can face them in as many different directions as you have panels. Solar Quotes.

Ready for some quotes? These high demand periods are generally in the afternoon and evening, as people return home, turn up the AC, cook dinner, etc. West-facing solar panels receive the most sun at this time and, therefore, displace more grid energy during these peak demand periods.

So, although the overall production is less, west-facing panels are producing energy when it matters the most for savings. One alternative strategy to mitigate peak demand pricing is to install an energy storage system with your solar panels, such as the new Humless home batteries now offered by IPS.

Getting meaningful production from solar panels on a north-facing roof requires mounting them in opposition to the roof slant. That results in a more considerable aesthetic impact, and the total production will still be less than with south, east, or west-facing systems. Generally, the roof is the best opportunity for a large, unshaded space on your property. Still, if you have sufficient yard space, a ground-mounted system can actually be cheaper than a roof-mounted one.

Ground-based solar panels also offer easier maintenance access and create shade for landscaping or gardening.

Though less impactful than the roof orientation, the angle of solar panels also affects production. The goal is to maximize sunlight that hits the panels at a perpendicular angle. A solar panel will harness the most power when the Sun's rays hit its surface perpendicularly.

The following sections refer only to 'fixed' or non-tracking systems. In the northern hemisphere, the general rule for solar panel placement is, solar panels should face true south and in the southern, true north. Usually this is the best direction because solar panels will receive direct light throughout the day. However there is a difference between magnetic south and true south that must be considered.

Magnetic south is the "south" shown when a compass is used, and this south points to the Earth's south magnetic pole. Solar panels, however, need to face solar or geographic south, which is the direction towards the South Pole. Depending on how solar panels are being used, it may also be beneficial to have a slight rotation away from due south.

For example, depending on the use solar panels used for a home should face slightly south-west. These panels collect more energy when they face due south, but the energy is more useful if it comes later in the day. This turn allows the solar panels to produce more electricity at the hours when it is needed. Pointing the panels slightly south-west, in the direction of the setting Sun , would allow the panels to produce more energy in the evening, when people are home and using more appliances.

The decrease in total production is balanced by the electricity available when it is needed most.


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