When the corrupt District Attorney Mason Wardell arrives in Franklin with the unscrupulous Special Deputy Charles Rakes, the Bondurant family refuses to pay the required bribe to the authorities. Rakes pursues the brothers and unsuccessfully tries to find their distillery.
Meanwhile Forrest hires the waitress Maggie, a woman with a hidden past in Chicago, and they fall in love with each other. Jack courts the preacher's daughter Bertha Minnix and deals a great load of alcoholic liquor with the powerful gangster Floyd Banner. Jack shows off in Franklin attracting the attention of Rakes that finds the location of their distillery. When he kills the crippled Cricket Pete, the locals join forces to face the corrupt authorities.
When the law became corrupt, outlaws became heroes. Did you know Edit. Goofs The movie is set in the s, at one point a character is loading a shotgun with plastic shotgun shells, but plastic shells weren't introduced until the s. During the period of the movie shotgun shells were made of thick paper with a metal bottom for the primer.
Quotes Forrest Bondurant : It is not the violence that sets men apart, alright, it is the distance that he is prepared to go. Alternate versions 9 seconds of gory violence were removed for an R rating in the US. The film was released uncut internationally including Canada. User reviews Review. Top review. Bondurant Family Values. Before World War I the Bondurants made a good living selling moonshine, but now Prohibition has arrived and there are new problems on the horizon for those in that business.
One of the most colossal pieces of stupidity that America ever indulged in was Prohibition. All the feelings translate. Shot digitally, but appearing with a textured film-like quality, the visual tone is steeped in the dustiness of the depression and the colors of nature. Transient scenes are pastoral and serene, celebrating the quiet beauty of the backwoods, speaking volumes about the lives of these people.
The violence is never gratuitous and is befitting the era. At times brutal and bloody, we see the differences between the backwoods world of men fighting men and that of city men wanting to rule the world through gunfire. Survival of the fittest. Survival of a way of life. Although unable to film in Franklin County itself, Hillcoat and his team found a perfect location in Peachtree, Georgia. This living history not only helped inform the actors performances, but gives the film an aura of mystique just like the Bondurants and the bootlegging world of moonshine.
Every movie or documentary we get, your location would be there. Plus, under all that kudzu were random sink holes and wells that could have been very dangerous.
So we shot the exterior and the explosion there, but brought the interior back to a barn which construction refurbished on the Cotton Picking Farm. It has beautiful, old, original buildings of all kinds. A house with a wraparound porch, which used to be the main house, we used as the hospital. We wanted it to be simple and very understated, but clean.
Guy Pearce had developed this idea for his character of being a sinister dandy who was obsessed with his own grooming, always wore gloves and combed black dye into his hair constantly. Guy shaved his eyebrows and widened the part in his hair. It was incredibly disarming just walking around him. His room was very, very tidy. The funeral party where Jack first sells their moonshine was held in the basement of the brick mill, which we dressed out first as a tobacco drying and packing room.
We then set up the wake layered over it. We made separate rooms with burlap draperies and old metal Anaglypta I found at a flea market. Tobacco was shipped in from Virginia, and we made our own light fixtures and candle holders. We built a plain box coffin but then fabricated an elaborate satin interior for it based on what we had found in our research. Haralson, Georgia served as Rocky Mount, Virginia. A block intersection, it had about four buildings.
The feed store was an actual barn that we emptied and dressed out as a feed store. The barber shop was built by construction so that the car could run into it and gangster Floyd Banner could shoot it up. Grantville has suffered some hard times and almost all of the streets where we shot were abandoned. We resurfaced the road with gravel to hide the blacktop and only added a few light fixtures to keep it dark and eerie.
Chris quite liked the fact that Floyd Banner would walk the boys across the street and through the arch to the open grave. Easily over years old, it was the family property of a man named David Caldwell. His grandfather had been one of eleven, and five spinster sisters had lived in the house for their whole lives without any electricity or interior plumbing.
When the last sister died, the house was just locked up. It had suffered a great deal of vandalism, but you could still see little vignettes of their life there. There were places where their linen handkerchiefs were still folded and sitting undisturbed. But vandals had busted out the windows and it had suffered from some animals and the weather. We cleaned it out and repaired the windows then redressed with some of the original contents and some things we brought in.
Meriwether County is another major location in Georgia where filming took place, mainly in the Gay and Woodbury localities.
The town of Gay has a tiny population and is known for hosting the Cotton Picking Fair. The cast and crew filmed scenes at the Cotton Picking Farm in Gay.
A brick mill building doubles as the boarding house. The production crew filmed a few exterior sequences on location at Carroll County in Georgia.