Where is leptin released from

Schoeller , D. Sinha , M. Stumvoll , M. Trayhurn , P. Utriainen , T. Van Gaal , L. Van Harmelen , V. Diabetes 47 : — Wabitsch , M. Wang , J. Zakrzewska , K. Diabetes 46 : — This symposium was sponsored by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences and was supported by educational grants from Dupont Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer, Inc.

The proceedings of this symposium are published as a supplement to The Journal of Nutrition. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Sign In or Create an Account. Sign In. Advanced Search. Search Menu. Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume Leptin and human obesity. Acute and chronic nutritional regulation of leptin.

Depot differences. Regulation of leptin production. Role of insulin. Role of glucose and glucosamine. Role of cortisol. In vivo effects of glucocorticoid administration on leptin.

In vitro effects of glucocorticoids on leptin. Interactions between insulin and glucocorticoid in leptin regulation. Summary and conclusions. Regulation of Leptin Production in Humans. Fried , Susan K. Oxford Academic.

Matthew R. Colleen D. Cite Cite Susan K. Select Format Select format. Permissions Icon Permissions. ABSTRACT Serum levels of the adipocyte hormone leptin are increased in proportion to body fat stores as a result of increased production in enlarged fat cells from obese subjects. Open in new tab Download slide. Ahima et al Ahima.

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Carulli et al Carulli. Regulation of ob gene expression: evidence for epinephrine-induced suppression in human obesity.

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Kim et al Kim. The central melanocortin system affects the hypothalamo-pituitary thyroid axis and may mediate the effect of leptin. Kirchgessner et al Kirchgessner. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha contributes to obesity-related hyperleptinemia by regulating leptin release from adipocytes.

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Orban et al Orban. The differential effect of food intake and beta-adrenergic stimulation on adipose-derived hormones and cytokines in man. Papaspyrou-Rao et al Papaspyrou-Rao. Pratley et al Pratley. Effects of acute hyperinsulinemia on plasma leptin concentrations in insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant Pima Indians. Ricci and Fried Ricci. Isoproterenol decreases leptin expression in adipose tissue of obese humans. Ricci et al Ricci. Rosenbaum et al Rosenbaum. Effects of weight change on plasma leptin concentrations and energy expenditure.

Rosmond et al Rosmond. Stress-related cortisol secretion in men: relationships with abdominal obesity and endocrine, metabolic and hemodynamic abnormalities. Russell et al Russell. Leptin expression in adipose tissue from obese humans: depot-specific regulation by insulin and dexamethasone. Satoh et al Satoh. Sympathetic activation of leptin via the ventromedial hypothalamus: leptin-induced increase in catecholamine secretion.

Scherer et al Scherer. Schoeller et al Schoeller. Sinha et al Sinha. Stumvoll et al Stumvoll. Leptin levels in humans are acutely suppressed by isoproterenol despite acipimox-induced inhibition of lipolysis, but not by free fatty acids. Trayhurn et al Trayhurn. Acute cold-induced suppression of ob obese gene expression in white adipose tissue of mice: mediation by the sympathetic system. Utriainen et al Utriainen. Supraphysiological hyperinsulinemia increases plasma leptin concentrations after 4 h in normal subjects.

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There is an extremely rare condition called congenital leptin deficiency, which is a genetic condition in which the body cannot produce leptin. In the UK, there are only about four families affected by this genetic condition. Absence of leptin makes the body think it does not have any fat whatsoever and this results in uncontrolled food intake and severe childhood obesity.

In addition, leptin deficiency may cause delayed puberty and poor function of the immune system. This condition can be well treated by leptin injections, which cause dramatic weight loss.

About Contact Events News. Search Search. You and Your Hormones. Students Teachers Patients Browse. Human body. Home Hormones Leptin. Leptin Leptin is a hormone secreted from fat cells that helps to regulate body weight. The name leptin is derived from the Greek word 'leptos' meaning thin.

It is sometimes referred to as the 'Fat Controller'. Alternative names for leptin There are no other names used for the hormone but the gene , which encodes leptin, is known as the 'ob' gene.

What is leptin? How is leptin controlled? What happens if I have too much leptin? What happens if I have too little leptin? Last reviewed: Mar Prev.


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