Home Appreciation is up Reviews for Sugar Land 24 Reviews. I've been here for over 25 years, and when we came here there was hardly any mention Read More. Agree Disagree Also, I am qualifying this post with: I haven't been a The quality of life has improved, with more places to go and things to do in the area.
You can also use our New Interactive Map to explore places. Try Now. All rights reserved. BestPlaces Mobile App. Lowest Priced Homes. Most Expensive Listings. Largest Homes. Median Priced Homes. Diverse economy. Cost of living. Growth and sprawl. Hot, humid summers. Unattractive setting.
Most Irritation Prone Cities. Riskiest Places for Natural Disasters. Hurricane Hotspots. Most Congested Cities. Sugar Land found its strength in sugarcane production. As these settlers began farming and creating plantations, sugar became the primary industry. In , a sugar cane refinery built in was purchased and renamed Imperial Sugar. It was the Imperial Sugar Company that developed the town, modernizing the refinery and building houses for the employees and their families.
The growing of sugar cane ended in The economic foothold it gave the city has helped increase the population from less than 2, back then to today's , residents. Admission is free and the museum's hours of operations are Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a. The city also holds the headquarters for Western Airways and a major manufacturing facility for Nalco Chemical Company.
In addition, Sugar Land has a large number of international energy, software, engineering, and product firms. Sugar Land, TX Directions. Sponsored Topics.