Amid the towering forests and rolling plains it was easy to forget that the Teldrassil was a tree in and of itself. Oracle Glade stood a testament to their magics. While the adjacent Moonwell was a reminder of their spirituality. The Elves built their villages near the shores of Lake Al'Ameth. The buildings of Dolanaar grew within the very trees. From Rut'heran simply jump on the boat at west pier and it will take you at Azuremist Isle.
Bloodmist Isle is near at North. Useful for "Extinguishing Kalimdor" achievement Note: At isles you cannot use flying mounts, only mounts or feet. Simply reach Lor'danel the little alliance city in Darkshore and fly over the sea. Even with the slower flying mount you will reach Teldrassil before that the fatigue meter reach the half. Comment by For Horde trying to enter Teldrassil for their exploration achievement: It is possible to do this without dying!
However, you DO have to be level 60 or higher, since flying is key to achieving this. I figured this out while mulling over going through the portal on my lvl 66 rogue, fully aware that doing so meant certain death Teldrassil isn't an instance when you go through the portal in Rut'theran My method is this: 1 Do as directed by LurkerPatrol You will likely reach shallow water right as your fatigue bar is halfway empty.
Straight ahead of you should be one of the roots connected directly to the tree. Go to that root and stop to take a breath if you want Once you're ready, follow the root to the base of the tree If you don't have the entire area of Teldrassil already on your map, go ahead and explore! If you're like me and only have to explore Darnassus, take a breath and move on. Once you pass over this, you'll be in Darnassus territory and thus flagged. Do NOT enter the city. You will first discover Tradesmen's Terrace Once you make your way around the Temple, you'll see the pink portal I know I did this as a rogue, but I assure you I did none of it under stealth.
I simply skirted the boarder on my flying mount until I got my achievement. I didn't even see any of the flying Sentinels, and think I was in a place where I wouldn't be noticed at all by players. Anyway, there you go! How to get into Teldrassil without dying! Sorry for those under I wish I could tell you how to get it other than saying wait until you get your flying mount, but unfortunately I can't think of any way other than getting completely bombarded and dying a million times by the guards.
Comment by UncleJimbo As of feast of winter veil, , my level 29 Blood Elf Paladin just swam, while mounted, from Darkshore about 40,12 to Rut'thlan Village, without spending all of the Fatigue bar. The background music really takes me back to being a baby hunter with my pet spider. It must have taken me three months to get to level Comment by SargonStarblade Post for the Horde. Is it just me or does the Horde have a big disadvantage when it comes to cities and defenses?
Darnassus unless you are at the least level 70 your mount flies way to slow to prevent you from dieing from fatigue. You must catch a ride from a boat in Stormwind! The Exodar the only way to get here if you are below 70 is to catch a ride on a boat from SW to Darnasssus and then catch another boat to Azuremyst Isle. All original Horde starting cities can be gotten to by land.
Silvermoon City can also be gotten to by land. This makes trying to get achievements requiring you to go to an Alliance city nearly impossible to do below level 70 for the Horde.
Comment by Royalblood Ok so, I tried to find a way for Horde players that dont have Cataclysm expansion and looking to complete the Kalimdor Explorer achievement and im glad to say that I found one!
Here is the prerequisites for getting to teldrassil as a horde player: - Journeyman Riding , need to be atleast at Lvl. Now, after you got all of the above its very simple 1 Go to Lor'Danel in Darkshore 2 Make sure that your heading for Rut'Theran Village, you wont have much time before the fatigue start kicking.
Note that Swim Speed Potion wont work! Also note that Elixir of Water Walking wont share cooldown with healing potions which is great if you need a few more seconds before the fatigue disapears! Hope it helped a few of you guys, Good Luck! Comment by Peanut Nostalgia anyone? Comment by Tronski Everybody loves rares! Have a macro! Refresh the page if they aren't shown after clicking. Comment by I just explored this place with my 62nd level blood elf pali.
All I did was fly. Your mount can scale the stump and just high level flight the whole place and no problems. Comment by Baldjeanfriede As of Patch 5. The bug was not fixed with patch 5. It may be that this is true for all quests of the Darnassus faction; I have not tested that yet. Run through the purple mist at the bottom of the tree. Comment by clopixol Well, after today's upcoming xpac announcement, goodbye Teldrassil.
You will be dearly missed The Horde can not be trusted. Comment by Pezrael If anyone wants wants to get here since Teldrassil was burned, talk to Zidormi in Darkshore then fly out over the ocean. You'll hit fatigue but still make it over. Intro Music. The Wowhead Client is a little application we use to keep our database up to date, and to provide you with some nifty extra functionality on the website! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles!
This site makes extensive use of JavaScript. Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Quick Facts. Comment by I'm not really sure if it's glitched or just me, but Shadowglen 60, 43 Wont explore for me Is anyone else encountering this problem? How to get to the island and how to get through Darnassus to explore the rest.
Comment by dtrayn87 The easiest way to get into Teldrassil is by jumping off the boat right before entering the docks, and swimming west.
You will eventually come to a giant root one of many, I know at about 25, Run up the root as far as you can 27 to Comment by Easy for level 80 Horde. No need to jump off boats searching for roots to climb up, jump and kill yourself.
Just ride the boat from Darkshore mounted, ride up into the portal from the docks obvious pink glow up the rise from the dock , ride from the portal out the front gate in Darnassus east. I only saw two ally on my ride through Darnassus and neither took an interest in me. Watch out for the roving elite huntresses when you come through the portal. I got netted by one, though was not knocked off my mount and simply rode through the gate as soon as the net effect wore off, though I was low on health.
I thought this was going to be a lot more tricky than it was. Make sure to watch out for the lvl 80 elite on the black tiger at the top of the purple-carpeted ramp on your way out! Then proceed to explore the rest of Teldrassil. And then of course there is the daunting task of getting out. Now off to explore Ashenvale! Comment by Real easy to do without dieing on the boat. Jump off when you get close to the docks stealth again. Just have to worry about players seeing you.
Comment by RedwoodElf I didn't bother looking for a root to jump off of Go straight north from the River mouth at the north end of Darkshore, to the northmost point of non-endurance loss shows up as a lighter color on your minimap and run Northwest. When you see the "Teldrassil" zone warning, watch your minimap and head for the light shallow area as soon as it becomes visible. Comment by Just get a mage to portal you darnassus, and walk from there :.
Comment by No problem at all for my lvl80 rogue in stealth. Just walked straight through Darnassus and avoided the huntress. Only mistake was topping to look at map too soon after leaving the city, but even then I just sprinted out of combat.
This was my last step on the Explorer achievement. Comment by demonangel19 well, call me crazy, but im goona attempt this as a lv 55 hunter should be fun, even if i have to die a couple of times, its worth it not going for the explorer achievement yet, but this is the last stop for Explore Kalimdor all my guildies are gonna hate me for it.
Comment by Just did it on a 63 druid, died as i went through the portal thanks to guards on the Darnassus side, but res'd at Dolanaar and continued on my way. Comment by Here's how I did it with a level 70 belf mage Port to Orgrimmar 2.