A circle, a square and a triangle. So type 0 - 4 - 3 on the portal and teleport. The Second Tomb 1. Use water on the big shining bubble. Water is in the test tube you collected from the lab. Collect the sceptre when it appears. Go up, place the charged coil on the machinery. Go left, turn the lamp on, and look through the lunette. You'll see another coordinates. Go back to the portal and teleport to that location. Statue 1. Go back, climb up the laddersgo the very right, look at the bottom end of the gaspipe.
The next secret. If you turn the bell, the dice will raise. Look very close on the lower left. Next Secret. Ring it. Dice should be in the air 9. Go very right. Look at the power socket? Now you should be at this strange station that produces the laser. Look on the floor at the right. Look at the lower right. First screen, Portal. Left side, bottom of pipe? Dice should be in the air Unscrew plate.
Take next secret from the whole where the wires are. When you are at the very top of the ship, where you put the turbine into the pipe, look lower LEFT. Bottom of pipe or what ever, the yellow thing should be ;. Go to very LEFT. Look at the corner of the tomb. In one speaker? May be, may be not a speaker ;.
WOW what a game for anyone thinking of giving up, dont its realy rewarding once you finnish ps find all the secrets :.
I'm having trouble with The Basement Revisited 1. Where's the room with the pedestal??? If you don't find all of the secrets, don't worry about it. As far as I can tell, it only gives you some information about the inspiration for the game--not more game play. I couln't break the padlock with the hammer.. Your advice is good Im at the end.. I need to know!
Guisell, I'm sure you're not supposed to break that lock. It's just there because the picture is about pipes. The pics for the other objects have related things in the room. It's just for show. Wa,first you have to be in the basement section,make sure you have the coil,and charge it in the left room. The Lab Directions: 1. Look for words Lets call this room the Chemistry floor. There's actually 22 secrets The 22nd is in the 3rd floor room at the lab Stick the coil in the machine left of the stairs put it in the lightning bolt.
Then press the bottom screw and grab the secret. Where does the code to transport from the white final room to the place where u use the 21 secrets to open the bonus part come from? How did u get it? Billybob you're right I was carrying the charged coil with me just in case but didn't think of using it on the big "teapot" where the 22nd secret is hidden.
BTW, there's an extra and useless room just right of the first portal in the lab, you can see it by clicking on the vertical bars. Very nice game, thank you Mateusz!! I remember this one being frustrating for me when it came out, but hey I'm seasoned now. I remember why I didn't like that one too much. They're all great but I think that one was the hardest for me Subscribe and get daily new escape games by email.
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Submachine 4: The Lab walkthrough. Edit source History Talk 0. General tips [ ] Collect notes whenever possible and refer to them often. They contain clues to help you finish the game. Remember that you can also write your own notes in-game to help you straighten out your thoughts. Walkthrough [ ] Gain access to the attic.
Collect the hammer on the windowsill at the right end of the roof. Use it to bash open the lock on the dormer at the lower edge of the roof. Open the hatch and climb through the broken window. Unlock the attic door. Collect the chimneybrush from the floor behind the energy receiver at the right end of the attic. Climb back onto the roof and drop it through the chimney.
Collect the doorkey from the pile of soot in front of the chimney in the attic. Use it to unlock the door at the left end of the attic.
Gain access to the portal. Unlock the portal room. Collect the key hanging from a coat hook in the attic. Use it to unlock the door at the right end of the first floor of the lab. Destroy the main grating lock Mix up some acidioxide Assemble the gas burner. It is located up the ladder on the first floor.
Collect: The rubbertube in the attic hanging from the rafters behind the chimney. The gashandle at the left end of the attic under the table. The lighter at the right end of the second floor on the windowsill. Mur's list of locations at the left end of the second floor. May 11, at pm. CoryCory says:. Kist Miass says:. May 12, at pm. Otocyon says:. May 18, at pm. Ryan says:. May 19, at pm. Naio says:. May 20, at am. May 22, at am. May 26, at am. May 28, at am. Jy says:.
May 30, at am. Rp says:. June 1, at am. Steven says:. June 3, at pm. June 6, at pm. Jen says:. June 9, at pm. Eskimo Fluff says:. June 10, at am. June 10, at pm. Supra says:. June 12, at am. Anonymous says:. June 12, at pm. June 14, at am. June 22, at am. Jeslynn says:. June 28, at am. July 1, at pm. July 5, at pm. DungeonGrrl says:. July 7, at pm.
Philippe says:. July 8, at am. July 14, at pm.