Where is the 5th pink concerto

Fight the Heartless in the room if you want, then enter the purple doorway in the northwest corner. The Pink Concertos are hidden inside closed lotus flowers throughout the area. Examine the flowers to force the Pink Concertos out. Remember, Pink Concertos are resilient to physical attacks, but are weak against Fire spells.

Avoid the black cloud the Pink Concertos release, as it causes blindness as well as cause continuous damage. If you get caught in the cloud, use a combo finisher to disperse it. Eliminate the four Pink Concertos in the forest, then return to the Queen's Castle. Jump up and repeatedly attack the raised cage on the right side of the Queen's throne to lower it to the ground. Hidden inside is the final Pink Concerto! Jump and Glide from the raised north platforms in the Lotus Forest.

Another option would be to use two perfectly timed Air Dashes combined with the Nimble Gear. Fly south to the southeast door. You then emerge from this door on the hedges above the entrance in the Tea Party Garden. Without falling to the ground, jump and Glide over to the chest in the southeast corner. Kingdom Hearts Wiki Explore. Kingdom Hearts III. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password?

Don't have an account? Sign up for free! Where is the last pink concerto in Wonderland? Its day , and i think its on a ledge above the big rock but i don't know how to get up there, apparently its in a birdcage User Info: XxpinkdollazxX. Top Voted Answer. After you defeat all but one of the Pink Concertos, go back to the throne room. Next to the throne, there will be a covered birdcage in the air attached to the wall. You need to keep jumping and hitting it to bring it down.

When it comes all the way down, the final PC will appear.


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