Jadefang - Spawns in one spot. Terborus - Spawns in one spot. Golgarok - Spawns in one area. WoTLK - All rares in an exact area specific to them. But ive also takin this into heavy consideration. What if when people see him he isnt "Spawning," but in fact just then appearing on their screen? Idk its too hard to tell things for sure but im no GM and i didnt make the game. Im not a professional guru at this, but it just seems a lot different from others dont you think?
As a hunter though Ive found something out. Good luck guys and don't give up! Kozue Darkmoon Faire EU. I lost it right as I was about to jump on him. Thanks to npc scan not working when alt tabbed! I came back to the game too late. Cenarion Circle US - around am.
And now, the link is working Comment by dexterslab Ugh I'm at hours. I've been camping since last Wednesday right after cataclysm launched. Found him within my first 24 hours and failed the event. Not a whisper of him since then. To make matters worse there's now tons of campers in the basin where I've been at. Does it strike anyone else that not a single person has encountered aeonaxx outside the inner circle around the temple? Like literally haven't found a single confirmed one.
Which makes me think by this point all his spawns are within the inner circle. I am not sure where he pats because there were many people around and I jumped on him as soon as I saw him. I was right around 45, 53 when I watched him spawn. I was farming him by flying in a counter-clockwise circle around the Temple of Earth. The fight itself is simple.
As many have said, you just have to spin around to face his tail and beat the tar out of him until he is dead. Easy win. The drakes were not a problem for me, but then I am a k hp pally tank.
Grats to everyone else lucky enough to get this one! As a side note, I was farming him for about 40 minutes. However, someone whispered me that they had been waiting for 4 hours prior to that for him to spawn. He does not spawn within the circle around the Temple of Earth, but rather a little bit aways. You can see the spawn point from 45, 53 coordinates. He spawned in front of me but a ways out and a bit higher than the Stonecore entrance. Comment by Okay, i've been searching for almost 3 days now and the reins don't link so i know i haven't missed it, Has anyone on gorgonnash seen any proof of it spawning at all?
Comment by Acquiesce I never really considered a connection to Aeosera directly, until today. Been camping for almost 80 some odd hours after my first spotting of Aeonaxx. So, for those of you that haven't seen a spawn in days. Find out if that quest is bugged out on your server, also.
I'm not saying there's a connection, but at this point you never know. Comment by Infamousphx Ok so hitting the 6th day of camping myself. Heres a little something i am paranoid about My toon is a worgen, and i am sitting in my camp spot in the basin.
I am on a rocket mount i had gotten from RaF. Heres the odd part, every so often i hear a dragons roar pass by. When i look around i see nothing.
Now im not saying its a phasing issue, but it sure is odd. Anyone else experiencing this? Comment by Ok Guys, on the side note. I killed Jadefang 2 hours ago and now i killed Golgarok for the first time 2 minutes ago. Now im waiting for the next to come up, lets see how long that will take. Keep up the Hunting! Comment by Do you mean battle.
Whispering it to your self is the good way to go. Comment by I just had a thought Comment by Just missed my 2nd spawn of Aeonaxx on Sentinels server by being alt tabbed out checking these comments lol. Was camping at the basin and the guy who got it said it spawned there, dont know why my npc scan didnt go off when tabbed out since I tested to make sure it would. Oh well time to camp for 3 more days I guess.
Have killed all the rares in the area a few times except Aeonaxx and that other dragon, cant remember the name. Yet still no Aeonaxx sighting at all. Starting to really concider that it might be bugged on some servers now since the spawn timer cant be that high. Anyway, just tought id share my experience of this. Thanks for all the information tough, your all doing a great job. Comment by Brainboie This Rare-Elite was quite the challenge as a Hunter, not a challenge really as far as the possibility of dying, rather a challenge of my patience.
You are incapable of attacking Aeonaxx with your Ranged abilities and are forced to switch between Raptor Strike and Scatter Shot. Traps will not trigger nor will your pet stay in the air long enough to be of any assistance. However, I found it quite interesting to note that the Drake Spawns did nothing to damage me. After the help of a nearby guild mate, I was able to take down this monstrosity after a minute mid-air dual.
Very much so worth it though. Now, just to help my friend get it Comment by Empethe Keep up the good work guys. Just remember more people are going to find out about this, just like most rare spawns.
This is probably the best time to get it, just dont give up :. Comment by Hmmm, at pm ST i killed the rare spawn golgorak. I am a farmer of tlpd and this one immediately caught my attention. Looking at above threads im seeing that theres some talk about hour spawn times. Comment by Well as far as the other rare mobs go, i have bin killing them with little than an hour between them. Yesterday 3 of them in only 7 hours. Jadefang has an really high spawn rate but i beleive this is just because he is not easy to get to well as a elf it is So up to now i dont think the spawns are linked together.
Same goes for Terburus that i have only seen dead. If they have something like Vyra and tlpd i couldnt be sure with who they share and the are meiles away from Aeonaxx.
I have killed Jadefang so often that i dont feel he is rare anymore. Well new day new luck, just sucks that i have to go tonight to a christmas party and WILL be totaly drunk by the time i get back. Happy Hunting! Comment by Crashh Are there any known spawns on the east side of the temple? I just got told a very convincing story that a DK saw him on the east side, went to mount him, but got knocked straight off his mount and he despawned, but I don't see this as possible as we have 1 person on every spawn over on the west side, how could he fly all the way over to east without buzzing our NPCscans?
He said it spawned out of the blue crystal on north-east side, right where the mailbox icon is if you have it turned on. He also said it didn't change altitude at all in the time he was spawned, if that means anything. Breaks my heart if he's not lying, as I've been here almost 65 hours now. Comment by This is weird, my npc scan went of for Terborus but i can't see it anywhere not even as a dead npc.
I'm already phased, level 85 and done all the quest in Deepholm. My rep is honoured with the Therazane fraction, does this means that i can't see any rares anymore in Deepholm, i coud've sworn in my case it looks like it have been camping for weeks now and i have'nt cached any rares except for that invisible Terborus. I kept running every minutes to check on all the other rares besides just camping at my spot for the drake, no rares has been spotted or detected from my npc scan so far..
Comment by Well it could be that someone killed him and bevor you could find him he despawns or he is mineable he is made out of rock but idk I also wasnt able to cache any rare mobs till yesterday but then i got almost all of them. But me to is slowly going insane in the membrain and my pc is slowly but surly going to be dead in a few days due to the performance lack of my fan Comment by Aeonaxx is a male, his mate Aeosera is the Broodmother meaning shes female.
Comment by hayter Iv been camping for about 3 days now and still no luck! Infact on my server i havent seen one rare even spawn! Iv got NPC scan set up to tell me when any of the rares are spawned and iv had zilch. It a shame cus at the moment no one else on my server is camping him that i have seen so i just need him to spawn lol My question is from what i understand NPC scanner will go off where ever i am in wow or do i have to be in deepholm?
I only have just got NPC scan and i got the TLPD using a macro which i have set up again and spam just cus i dont know if i can fully trust NPC scan lol I probally wouldnt be so keen if i knew this thing had dropped already but knowing nothing has makes me think its got to happen sooner rather then later. Comment by Vaugn Just downed on Kilrogg-US by Ameela or something like that , a human warlock at am server time.
I found him pathing just a bit southeast of the Quartzite Basin. However, two of us were camping the basin itself and chatting.
We'd been there for quite a while when I decided to do a loop around the temple. So he definitely has a second spawn point elsewhere.
He was at the altitude of the Stonecore entrance pathing clockwise around the Temple. My first thought was that he was at the basin, so I flew back there hoping to get on him before the other camper. I spotted him higher up in the air, headed upward to him, and the warlock grabbed him seconds before I was there.
Interestingly, I initially whispered "grats" to the fellow camper at the Basin, thinking he's the one that mounted him. His NPCscan hadn't gone off and he was understandably confused. We found the warlock a few minutes later with the mount over the body of the dragon.
Apparently she hadn't had any significant targeting issues. Off to Uldum for me. I'll come back in another 8 hours and continue my camping -- my only consolations being that a rival who was faster than I was is now out of the picture.
And that some additional information about his respawn timer might be gleaned. Update: On further consideration, the dragon spawned almost exactly 48 hours after the last server reset. Edited: to specify US server. Comment by Chlorure I would love to know how far are the roung drakes from you during the fight. Whirlwind has a 8yards range so that would be a usefull information.
Comment by Syncness Confirmed by a GM to have a rare spawn with another mob. Blurred out GM name for his own sake, although he gave me permission to post it. Comment by Just spawned directly behind me at on EU Bronze Dragonflight, right outside the Stonecore entrance.
Seems it was too good to be true after all.. Comment by Given we just had confirmation of my earlier proposed theory, another one comes into play. Vyragosa was your standard spawned rare; TLPD just had a chance to spawn instead of her. Make him share a timer with another rare that had an extremely long one in the first place. Also, please begin to post your kills on Xari.
They are now relevant. Comment by I'd like to say, take this GM post with a grain of salt. He admitted himself in the screenshot that he did not know everything there is to know about Aeonaxx. I'm not saying discard his information, definitely take it into consideration and keep an eye out for Xariona spawns in relation with Aeonaxx, but don't give up on other theories and ideas.
GMs are not infallible and I've seen them be dead wrong before. For example, I had a friend who got stuck in the landscape and contacted a GM who then suggested that she "update video drivers" so she wouldn't get stuck. Which, for those of you who don't know, is completely ridiculous and those two things are not related at all. And again, he seemed to be getting his information from user-based assumptions and theories.
NOT from official information. Comment by I'm partial to believe - I'm already starting to doubt it, the more I think about it. I already begun to think that there was more to it than a simple spawn, and since Xari is a rare in the area that is also a drake, I thought there may be a connection.
A world raid boss seems a little much, but Blizzard could possibly be unhappy with how often TLPD was farmed and obtained, thus making this one all the more difficult to get. Then again, this doesn't explain the sheer amounts that some server seem to have spawn.
I've been camping since restart yesterday I transferred servers just before, as well, so starting anew , and I've yet to see ANY rare spawn. It is plausible that the worm and giant was killed without my knowledge, but I have not picked up Xari or Aeo - at all. The links do not work, for the mount OR the gauntlets Xari drops, so I think it is safe to say neither has been killed - yet. I am very hesitant to believe they share the same timer, but given the GM's comment..
He says shares a spawn. A spawn what? I know, it is being picky with semantics, but I've had GMs do little riddles on me when it came to TLPD to get around 'I didn't actually tell them more than they already knew' bit. One word being put in there - a confirmation of spawn what - could change the entire sentence and meaning.
What exactly was asked that made the GM respond with that information? While this early in the expansion, we still do not know where all his spawns are. If people are flying stonecore level, they WILL miss him if he's flying above those orange rocks, because he will be out of range.
Given this new bit of information, people will start watching Xari's spawns too, and we will probably quickly confirm or bust the GM's information. Comment by I do not think Aeonaxx is linked to Xariona spelling? Whatever, you know which drake and boss I mean.
Xariona went off on my NPCscan, we found her, stared at her. Killed her. Got some nasty crappy blue item. But as we waited and waited and waited. No one ever killed him. Fun thought: Quartz is a mineral. Edit: Welcome me to the chat about the drake, first post. Registered here to give some info. Comment by Syncness 2 things, first, if we don't believe a GM, I honestly don't know who to believe for WoW related stuff.
Second, GM's aren't supposed to give out any in-game related information, I'm quite surprised I managed to get this from him, the next line under the screenshot he mentioned he had used some inside information which was actually odd, they're not supposed to do this.
He assuming he's male also said they cannot look deep into these stuff without legit reasons mine obviously not legit. Regardless, this definitely confirms the "they share a spawn" theory, as it's the closest thing we have to solid proof at the moment.
And yes, he did not explicitly say another drake, nor did he agree it started with X, but he did say "another NPC" which is saying it's singular. I also told him the Reins have never linked, before and after server resets. He said it was odd and that he will report for a check for my server He's a pretty nice guy!
Comment by hayter Hi guys! Now from the conversation he didnt seem to know what he was talking about and it hasnt left me feeling like i should quit but just thought id post this to see what you all think. I was at work, so my sense of time was a little messed up.
I'm currently camping one of his pathing points on one character while I level on another, and have been checking regularly with friends and guildies in the area. I have seen no evidence that he has spawned since then. No reins links, etc. We're coming up on the hour mark since his last spawn. I'm not sure we can take this as evidence that he has been downed, since I've seen no mention of it in General.
I also did not see Aeonaxx's corpse on a comprehensive flyaround. To his knowledge, Aeonaxx has not spawned despite the reins being linkable now. We're past 48 hours since the last Aeonaxx spawn.
I'm keeping this updated in general to give us an idea of the mob's maximum spawn time. It's possible that he does share a timer with another mob, but I don't take the image above in this thread as conclusive evidence. Text is way too easy to Photoshop, and GMs have been flat-out wrong before. Kil'jaeden is an extremely populous realm, though, and our rare spawns in quest areas generally get axed within a few minutes, if not seconds, of spawn.
As putridus? Or only in a limited field of view? Comment by Infamousphx Just talked to a GM. He seems very inicitefull. In fact he said to make my chances better at seeing every possible thing was to HAVE the deep into deepholm acheezment. Comment by I'm starting to get worried that the fact that I don't have the Deep into Deepholm achievement is now going to cause me to not see him.
Up until Tuesday it seemed like it was the other way around, but now I haven't heard of anyone getting him that doesn't have the achievement. Can anyone who got him after Tuesday and who doesn't have Deep into Deepholm set my mind at ease? Edit: Thanks vvv. Comment by Infamousphx Im starting to lose hope. Im sooo tired i wokeup drooling on my keyboard lastnight, only fell asleep for about an hour though.
But now theres people showing up. Would be real messed up if someone stole my kill seeing as ive been the only out here for 6 days, over hours :. Comment by Acquiesce My all-nighter proved pointless. No Aeonaxx sighting since the first one 4 days ago. Reins are still unlinkable on Gnomeregan. Camping outside of the basin, will start moving around from "spawn" to "spawn". Edit: Golgarok just killed. We'll see if it has any connection spawn wise.
Comment by Mouso Can you have pets on aeonaxx? Comment by What we know, so far, for fact confirmed with from screenshots or mass comments saying the same thing : He has multiple spawn points. One appears to be 51, 49 - north of the temple; 40, 59 - the basin; 46, 56 - above the goblin shaman. He flies at different altitudes, but generally Stonecore entrance is a good height. He paths around the temple.
Before he is engaged, he flies slow, so yes, slower mounts can obtain this - if you are faster than everyone else in clicking him.
This is important: put both in your NPC Scan! Here is how it works: upon each server reset, each item has to be loaded - thus seen by a player - in the cache. If the Reins have not been seen by a player whether in their bag or dropped from the Drake , they will not load until they are.
Generally this is a very reliable way to judge whether he has spawned, as more than likely most people have epic flying and will immediately learn the mount upon downing him. You MUST be facing his wing, tail, or other wing to be able to hit him. There are NO phasing issues for seeing Aeonaxx. I'm sorry, everyone, but people with no quests other than the opening to people with completed quests have this mount. Clearly, this is not intended, as that means the fight goes on with no damage to your character.
This is why a lot of people may be reporting him 'despawning' in front of them. I assume this also accounts for no corpse: if he lands somewhere where you are phased and the killer is not, you should NOT be able to see his corpse. This applies especially to close to the Throne area. Pets die when you mount him, and you cannot use an aggro dropping ability, so it seems.
So paladins do not bubble, hunters do not feign death, etc. Aeonaxx is MALE. Stop calling him female. I think that is all we can really confirm so far. Comment by Ouch I sent a ticket to Blizzard and got ticket pwned. I explained my difficulties with the targeting mechanic and how I was convinced that the bug led to my defeat. Basically I was told that since I was unable to kill Aeonaxx as a warlock, I suck at the game and should cancel my account.
Of course, not those words exactly. But he did say how hunters and melee classes have the hardest time with the drake, and even some players of those class have already obtained the drake.
He also said how warlocks should have "little difficulty" in killing the drake due to the ability to apply DoTs while facing any direction. He also said that while many players have reported issues, just as many have managed to kill him.
To me, that's another way of saying that the fight will not be changed. Sorry if I'm making this GM sound like a horrible evil person. He really isn't, he said the above information in the nicest way possible. I am NOT saying that the GM is wrong; I did have my disadgvantages, after all I only had 48k health during the fight, while others who have killed Aeonaxx have had over k. Also, my brain was half fried by the time I mounted him it was midnight and after four days of camping.
I guess with so many people reporting this issue, sometimes the brutal truth must be said. So two things that you should learn from this post: -The fight mechanics do not seem to be changing anytime soon. To the GM that responded to my ticket: I appreciate the response and although I QQ'd a little after reading it, I believe that it was the best way to answer my ticket.
Also, I hope that this post will reduce the amount of tickets you recieve in the future :. I have not given up, I now have 62k health, I have taken a short break from leveling since it has been three days without the link working. If I find and kill Aeonaxx this time, great! If not, I will continue to level and come back more prepared. Aeonaxx is sure to pass TLPD within a matter of days. I will continue to edit this post : -Spicysauce.
No luck with any sightings what so ever at this point, and have only left my computer unattended for an hour of so and had someone watching while I was gone. The mount itself became linkable sometime between and Dec 16 here, so obviously someone killed him around that time. Before that the mount was not linkable. Starting to lose hope so I flew around and was able to kill Golgarok at around PM Dec 17, just a few hours ago. I'll continue to watch and keep everyone updated if this has any effect whatsoever on Aeonaxx!
Comment by I've read multiple posts about the whelps bugging, something that can drastically change the fight. Some of these posts have stated that they bugged because of their "phasing". To those who have experienced what I am talking about, which phase were you in? Comment by Been camping this dragonkin for over 7 days. I'm starting to doubt the she even exist. All right, i've had a couple of hours sleep every now and then but the link doesn't show when i try to whisper it to myself..
I'm camping at Quartzite Basin, but every 30minute or so i fly a lap around the Temple of earth. I've searched for other rare elites in Deepholm such as Xariona , Jadefang , Golgarok and Terborus without a sign of them I'm located at a VERY LOW populated server and atm it feels like the low popularity of my realm has something to do with the spawntimer My NPCscan hasn't picked up a single track about any of the rares Seems like i have some serious camping ahead of me, Time to set up a tent.
Comment by Woah uncool, I've been camping with some friends and now the reins are linkable, now there is like no way we could have missed um and haven't heard any talk or general or trade, is there anyway the reins can linkable but not have been found? Comment by TLPD post got cleaned multiple times.
I can confirm this - I used to camp his page pretty hardcore before I got mine. Comment by taskun56 Llane: This is some major bullcrap.
I checked within 2 minutes during my last check for a bad feeling and they were linkable. I spent the next 15 minutes searching every inch of Deepholm and found no corpse.
Ironically, my NPCscan went off and I got jadefang on my way around the area. Not a total loss but so aggravated that people just kill him and walk away. And the fact that the corpse isn't there leads me to believe it was never actually downed. For speculation, I was in-game at the Quartzine Basin for the entire time, just enough that I was within reach of the Stonecore entrance for viewing his spawn there.
Nothing happened. Nothing went off. My macro didn't target him either. So in all reality he must not have spawned in that area, or was immediately tagged and phased into another version of deepholm aside from the one I reside in. I have the achievement, so it seems a possibility.
On another note, I read that the corpse is viewable in any phase so that is what leads me to believe it was a false link. Comment by A question I am going to purpose: Generally when someone kills a boss-type mob, if you did no damage to it, you do not get loot.
In an earlier post, someone said their friends didn't get to roll on it. I want to test this theory, but do not want to risk losing the mount myself, nor do I wish to camp it again on an alt. So thoughts? Comment by Recently came up a new youtube video where we can see Aeonaxx Flying North west of the Temple of earth towards Needlerock Chasm..
The creator of the video didn't target Aeonaxx however, so I don't know if it was friendly or allready tagged when the video was made. Comment by mcomommy Question - I haven't tried the linking scripts before, so I'm not really sure how their supposed to show up. I've made a macro and copied exactly the script from a previous page. Is this a good sign for me that they haven't been cached yet? Comment by Endsmouth Probably starting to go crazy after camping for so long, but I find the achievement for beating Aoesera odd.
The name I mean. Probably just crazy ramblings, but thought it might be pertinent. I have been waiting out her for 6 days, almost 7 now. I was wondering if maybe you can drop by for about 5 minutes to have a cup of Greasy Whale Milk with me. Like i said i know you are real busy with Mrs.
Aeosera but im sure she will be fine for minutes it wont be that long of a ride i promise! Don't worry about me catching you with Xariona last Sunday, its all good.
Bro's before ho's man. So ya i will be waiting outside the Stonecore in the basin sippin on some of that delicious milk. Oh and avoid any other passerbys, i think they are trying to kill you for some odd reason. See you in a bit buddy! S - Forget what i said about the passerbys, dont just avoid them as they may be on fast mounts. It's cool if you just want a fast snack or maybe randomely headbutt them off of their mounts, they are quite annoying anyways i do not even know them.
Actually just kill them all, it will be quicker and we won't ever have to see them again. Comment by I've been camping this beast for twelve hours consecutive now. I was wondering if I could get a little advice seeing how this is the first rare spawn camp i've ever done.
What is the range on NPCscan? Does it tell me in what direction the targeted mob is or do I have to manually fly around in circles looking? And btw, i give mad props to anyone with the patience to sit here for more than i have done. This is horrible and i should be doing other useless things. But this mount has my fancy and he's going to be mine! Again, this is NOT mine. I found it a couple of comment pages back, but it is SO good!
Comment by Crashh After going well upwards of 80 hours, with very minimal sleep, never actually logging off wow, 3 campers on me, and a server restart imminent in just a few hours, and to top it off, the apparent bugging out of the encounter last night, I've given up all hope.
As said, even time lost proto would be easier than this because at least you get some breaks. I might try transferring to a very low pop server and trying again after this restart. Makes me wonder if that could be a spawn point, hence the different heights people have seen it when it's circling the Temple Would make sense if this one had a similar pattern.
Comment by Can people atleast level to 85 first? It's been quite many now that tries at level 82 just to die and having him despawn Comment by 16 straight hours of hovering in this place totally alone. Horde shows up just a few min ago. Fantastic, still no signs of the mount. Not as long as any of you but enough to know he's got one heck of a respawn timer. Counting on this pally getting bored before he spawns again. Comment by Aoratox Going into my 4th camping day now.
Minimum sleep, minimum afk Put on a festive Xmas outfit Winter Garb , hoping that'll attract the attention of our shy dragon friend. I fly towards the drake and realised it was tagged. When the dragon fell from the sky i saw the Alliance Paladin looting the reins he had officially only been looking for Aeonaxx for 2 hours before his kill Since i'm on a Horde:Alliance ratio the Horde campers by Quartzite Basin Where the dragon fell ganked the Ally and his guildie.
So, an extremely lucky Ally got the drake. Boss Elite with about 3 million HP. It will attack you if you get close enough. Easily taken down by 1 tank 2 healers and 11 DPS. I'm sure you can have less DPS for this fight but we wanted to be sure that we could down her without any problems. Comment by Downed her this morning on Argent Dawn. Me, Hunter , and three guildies. DK, Pally, and Priest- We wiped once, but got her the second time. Comment by Okay, se wo downed this the other day with four people after three attempts.
Wish we would of read earlier Would of saved us a a couple of wipes maybe. Fun fight! Took 40 minutes to DPS down 12 million health. Easy to kill as long as we stood in the anti magic circles and avoided the fissures. Used typical druid heals Life bloom on tank, rejuvenation up on both and regrowth if needed.
Discovered Remove Corruption on the healer wasn't really needed as the Twilight Buffet didn't have much of an effect on instant cast heals. DK tank pulled army 3 times and used the individual anti magic shield. Riea - The Underbog. Comment by Sophistique Aman'Thul - approx pm Server time she spawned. Dropped the two Mail boe's and a JC Recp. Sad - it went off, I nearly wet my pants thinking Aeonaxx had finally come to town, then nearly burst out in tears when it was Xariona LOL.
Still, downed a rare Elite, all good fun : Alliance hunter tried soloing her right as we were landing to attack her, failed poor sod, didn't even dent her HP - so yeah, group reccommened lol. Have a stocked friends list :. Comment by mystic4 Solo'ed as a Death Knight in 24 minutes 51 seconds.
Comment by Valorian Spawned today at on Silvermoon EU quickly got together 3 more guildies and killed it easily. Was expecting a harder fight actually. As some of the above mentioned posts i was camping for Aeonaxx and just heard NPCscan going off. Was kinda bummed as i had hoped for Aeonaxx but thats how it is. She dropped mail hands, agility cloak and an enchanting formula.
Easy fight. Comment by Ukari 3 manned Xariona this morning. Fairly easy fight, but does take awhile with only three people. From tank perspective, make sure you stand in the white circles.
It gives you protection against the spells she casts, and you will take significantly less damage. Make sure you spread out from the other members of the group as the aoe damage you get hurts the players close to you very badly. Took us about 10 minutes to kill her. Regarding her flight path, she can fly both ways around the broken path. When we saw her, she was flying counter clockwise. Someone accidentally got aggro, and when they were able to get her off, her direction changed.
She did not despawn, but after about a quarter of a circle back around, she changed and went counter clockwise again. Comment by Just killed her at am East coast time. Kill group consisted of a Prot Paladin, 2 Fury Warriors, a Hunter and a Disc Piest, all in all a fun kill to do, very simple with high rewards, depending on BoE prices on your server. Comment by My husband prot pally and I resto shaman downed this guy just the two of us tonight.
It took us 25 minutes and 48 seconds, but we did it just the two of us. Very simple. The Twilight Zone kept spawning where they stood, so they both just ate the Twilight Breath without taking much dmg. As a Hunter I just nuked her from the side so I didn't get hit by Twilight Breath and moved away from the random voidzones Twilight Fissure she spawned. She never did her huge AoE spell Unleashed Magic that would require you to run into the Twilight Zone So was very simple tank and spank.
I threw in a Mend Pet here and there just to make it easier for the Shaman. Comment by schroteri 7 manned her or so without a healer, actually. Paladin tank and my Rallying Cry did it fine. Just make sure you listen to the previous comments and stand on the white circles and, as usual, get out of the fire you idiots. Void zones, but you know. If someone doesn't stand in the circle there WILL be a murderspolsion. Pretty straightforward fight, just stood still and dpsed it the best i could.
Used AMS on her ultimate, took only about 10k per blast while standing in the pool. The fight lasted like 15 minutes and was a one-shot.
I realised I wasn't spec'd into Hunter vs. Though, I don't really know how low is too low. She's also a raid boss, so if you want the fight to go by quick, make sure your hit rating is appropriate for level 88 targets. But really, you can take as long as you like to do this I doubt she has an enrage timer :P Method for hunters: Keep your pet stationary even if there's a fissure underneath it , but move out of the fissures that she places underneath you.
I was never hit by one, but I'm guessing they probably hurt. Don't stand too close to your pet either, as she puts an AoE debuff on you that hurts party members probably affects pets too?
Basically, use common sense. Note: Lower level gear and any other spec should be fine Good luck! Dropped the spectral gauntlets and another BOE epic and an uncommon jewel-crafting pattern. Comment by Spawned for the second time on Terokkar EU today at noon realm time. My friend saw her and a group of 12 people quickly downed her We don't know what she dropped The first time she spawned was during Brewfest, on the last day in the last hour of it.
She dropped Hunter loot. Two mail Agility Boe's. Hands and legs, I believe, along with the usual Green Gem recipe. Very easy fight. Comment by itchmyear just down her and got Xariona's Spectral Gauntlets and the heartbound tome the group we had consisted of resto druid holy pally frost dk and a boomkin took us a little over 6 mins to down thought it was going to be tougher than she was Comment by stnicole Oddly enough, after taking this down with maybe 12 people, with minimal effort, Aeonaxx immediately spawned.
Comment by Skeven I've killed Xariona before with a resto shaman, right before the release of 4. It was very easy, myself is a druid tank and I barely took any damage from here though the fight took for about 15 minutes with about k Dps. Today, I found here again about weeks after I'd killed her the first time and figured I can try to solo her, and I did.
Died once but I got back on that horse and slayed here again, think it took about 16 minutes to kill her, but from this post I've proven that she's soloable. So if you're a class of OP'ness give it a shot. Worth the time and the loot. There's nothing too difficult about it aslong your death strikes are able to create a decent blood shield.
The hardest part is DPSing her down fast enough before you lose your sanity and give up, took me around 17 mins actively using cooldowns for extra DPS. You would however need a healer if any DPS that join in don't have any self healing capabilities. Comment by my npcscan woke me up, hoping it was aeonaxx. Comment by BooJ Just killed this Boss with a five man group well really a 4 man group given I died around the beginning : really easy boss a we had a hunter use their pet as the tank and still managed to kill her.
Comment by mattadamos Solo'd as blood DK, k unbuffed. Mostly gear. Use army twice, about a 15 minute burn. Comment by odorous Such a long and boring fight to solo as prot pally. Stand in 1 spot and tank and spank and tank and tank. Resistance aura, seal of insight and your weapon of choice. Wog and defensive cool downs when needed.
Still wish it was aon instead of her. Comment by mud2kcom2info yeah to all of you saying its easy? It took 21 minutes. No wipes or major issues health-wise.
To anyone soloing, I suggest using DBM timers and moving to 2 different places about yards from each other when she casts Twilight Zone white circle on the ground. That way you will have 2 places to protect yourself from her breath or shadow damage when she casts a Fissure on one of the white circles. She dropped the Fissure on my Blood Worm or Ghoul a few times which helped. Drop Army right away and you will be able to repeat 1x or 2x depending on your gear and how long it takes you to kill her.
She dropped 2x epics and a green JC design. She was at the top of the pillars circling them. I was actually after her male partner when after wednesday maintiance hade been camping since then that Xariona popped up on my npc scanner.
If your going after her i had 2healers 2dps and 1tank just to take her down. Good luck all. Hope this info is helpfull. It took 4 of us approx 6 or 7 mins to kill her. Comment by Karneg I saw a DK solo this thing last week Not sure if I should point out the guys name, but he's one of the raiders in a top progression raiding guild on my server, not world ranking.
Not sure if its his main or alt, but he had two Heroic Souldrinkers equipped. Comment by Sirvi Around 4 players-including me-fought and downed Xariona around a. Npcscan actually went off at when I hearthed to Deepholm in hopes of trying to find Aeonaxx-the whole "rare spawns can spawn at , , , at the hour thing I read somewhere".
Nearly gave me a heart attack thinking it was Aeonaxx but was Xariona instead. I used the general chat, asking "Uh First 2 times we wiped due to a lack of a healer, but once we got the healer, we had no problem. She dropped three items: though I only won 2 of the items Ritssyn's Ruminous Drape Design: Steady Jasper Also, it might help if you have the flight speed. On Xariona's posts I have read that she flies really fast, yet one with the flight speed will have no problem staying near her.
Good luck to everyone! Comment by Altibox Just did this in a group of 4 people. We made it in probably 4 minutes. A very mindful use of cooldowns is required and i would suggest getting the LoH glyph to reduce its CD by 3mins; i found myself reaching a point every mins where LoH was necessary to top myself off and start the slow process of being worn down all over.
So either more holy items for better throughput and regen or the glyph is great to have. Comment by Found her circling around high floating rocks. Took us about 35 minutes with 2 lvl 85 druids. Straightforward fight, just long.
Watch out for Twilight Fissure, and Unleashed Magic, keep rotating her slowly around. Looked at the health and went " So I taunted her in my prot pally spec and started fighting.
Noticed that I wasn't taking very much damage. Eventually I did die. Along came another pally offering help as he too was looking for Aeonaxx. We two manned her and at am CST we finally downed her after Word of Glory spamming me enough times to throw me to Heaven.
Really, she's not it's just a matter of using your head to figure out that Fissures DOT are bad, and Twilight Zones reduced magical damage are good. We felt accomplished and I look forward to fighting her again. I'm not sure if her and Aeonaxx share spawns though. The only time I've gone into Deepholm I found Xariona. We were both heavily geared. But it's best you have a tank, a DPS, and a healer. Unless you have a DK, or like what we had 2 pallies. Otherwise the healer will get overwhelmed on just a DPS'er fighting her as they're too squishy.
Good luck everyone. Nothing else had spawned in Deepholm for 10 days. Aeonaxx spawned at pm and i missed him by 30 seconds Should quit smoking haha I quickly sent a message to my guild and they sent messages in stormwind trade that she had spawned, so we all joined a random raid group and downed her in under 5minutes. The tank took no damage if he stood in the white cirlces on the floor that spawns. She occasionally does a attack forgotten now that if u are not stood next to her willl wipe you.
She was reasonably easy to kill. She looted 3 items, One Jewelcrafting learning thing, and 2 pieces of equiptment one blue, one purple Sorry that i didnt write down what they were or link them but i had to go to bed! So she spawned once in 10 days, on the same day as Jadefang, Terborus and Aeonaxx Hope that helps! Im now on day 14 of camping Aeonaxx Comment by Raevsusar It spawned on Auchindoun just now. Dropped the hands and the Icebone Hauberk world drop plate chest.
Decided to try to solo her as feraltank with ilvl eq. Worked fine. Around 17 minutes to kill her all by myself. But it was actually worth it. Not for the loot, was just fun to kill it all by myself. People with the gear, brain or a simple tank should try it! Two manned with me Druid healing, my guildie DK tanking. Took about 20 minutes, but she went down. Was a fun exercise in mana management, level-headedness, and patience. Screenshot attached. Comment by Guy19 Does she fly clockwise or counterclockwise?
I wanna know so I'm not chasing her in a giant circle, rather then finding her quick head-on. Comment by Hanandred Brought her down with a few guildies, Was in Burning Legion Realm, time spawned , killed In the Name of Moar tears :D. Drops not really worth it as it is ilvl yet dragon has 1week-2days spawn delay. Comment by Medhea Just killed it 13 minutes ago on Khaz' goroth server server time with a group of 5.
It's a tank and spank fight, but the twilight fissure makes a TON of dmg. Tank got killed mid fight and i had to take it i'm fury warrior ilvl It wasn't that hard and the fight was short. Comment by Drayen Definitely soloable as a feral druid. Use a cd to be safe everytime she uses her ultimate attack, and unglyph frenzied regen and use it on CD, it healed me back to full health everytime. Stand in the white circles, find your self heal rhythm , and you should be ok.
And relating, how far away can the mob be for NPCScan to go off? I downloaded it just recently, and I'm a bit nervous it won't go off. Thanks and luck to those who are also trying for this bee-u-ti-ful mount. Post a new comment Error Comments allowed for members only Anonymous comments are disabled in this journal.
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