At 66,78 you can get over the fence with some careful jumping, and then you only have to kill the two mobs right by the tower instead of having to clear a path to it through the encampment. Comment by Strathcona Note that the Smoke Beacon does not have a "cast time," so if you're good at kiting or have enough armour to survive, feel free to run straight through and drop one, since you won't be interrupted.
Comment by Allakhazam Where are the towers! Comment by Allakhazam 60th level rogue. Incredibly simple once I knew where the towers were. Just place the beacon, vanish, go to the next one, wait, place, vanish Comment by Allakhazam Just don't make the same mistake that I did When you've walked around the village, you can jump over the end of the wall - the last tower is almost in front of you then.
Comment by Allakhazam REAL easy quests sooed it on my lvl 58 rogue real easy died 3 times just stealth if you can get sprint ready maybe sap the peons and run like your buts on fire.
Comment by Allakhazam Quest info on this site says you can't pick it up till 60, but people are completing at How high do you actually have to be to get this quest assuming you can get to Hellfire before 58 if need to? Comment by Allakhazam At level 58 here is what I did. Do 67,77 first.
They will take care of your mob train. This time I ran away, used trinkets to absorb dmg and avoid stuns. Gouged when everytime I could to slow the mobs down. Again, head to quest giver for help. This is the furthest from quest giver so your vanish cd is over. Vanish right after planting to escape combat.
Hope this at least helps other rogues. Comment by Allakhazam I'm doing this as a 59 affliction lock. I only found one Tower until i came here. Comment by Allakhazam solo'd with my lvl 58 hunter Comment by Allakhazam One flaw with this quest Comment by Allakhazam Completed it as 60 War, but died about 3 times Comment by Allakhazam The quest is marked as level 60 but every mob is level 61 or 62 with huge aggro radius.
If you're not a rogue or hunter, you have a good chance of drawing 5 mobs at once even at level 60 and you end up running far out of the camp to lose aggro, basically forcing you to start over. I think this quest is balanced around characters with level 60 raiding gear, it was much easier with my Warlock at level 60 with Felheart than it is with my Draenei mage. A bit frustrating and annoying. Comment by Allakhazam I pulled this off solo with a 62 pally no stealth , here's how: Started on the outlying tower which abuts the mountain backdrop, north side.
Went counter-clockwise from there. It took a couple extra minutes to sneak in and get started, but it's close to the Expedition camp starting point. You just have to take out a coupla guards and hellboar. Get up behind the first tower and watch for movement patterns. Each tower except the one farthest south inside the palisade is visited by at least one warg rider every few minutes. Avoid them if you're solo.
Take out only the he orcs guarding your closest access point, which will be a leg of the tower. Be ready for peons to run, but the grunts never did.
To activate the smoke you have to be right up alongside the tower, any distance will suppress your ability to activate the signal. The 2nd tower is just across the path from the first, and was easier, but watch for passing warg and foot patrols.
There's a peon that moves between what I'm calling the first and second towers. The third, facing west and outside the compound, was the hardest because 2 warg riders hovered closeby, and entered the tower perimeter frequently. I had to run from one of them once when he caught me just after I'd wasted a grunt. But he didn't chase far, I avoided hellboar, and finishing the job was easy as soon as he move away.
The fourth tower was on the south side, but you have to sneak inside the palisade to get to it. Place a beacon underneath each of the towers and we'll fly in and bomb them!
I could see the smoke and flames from here! You received more than a few words of praise from our gryphon riders—what you just did took a lot of guts The Bleeding Hollow clan have betrayed their noble heritage! We, the orcs who fought and died to save ourselves from the fel taint of Mannoroth , look upon our vile cousins and see only weakness and ignobility Enter Zeth'Gor, their bastion to the east, and burn their buildings.
Item slot. Quest ID. Quest faction. Quest level. Quest name. Zeth'Gor Must Burn! World quest. Universal Conquest Wiki. Hate ads? Equip: Increases spell power by Crappy rewards imo Comment by peeweesweden Another result of Alliance being favoured.
Their counter-quest: Much easier targets They provide all the mats you need. Comment by Allakhazam Forge is in the north eastern part of zeth'gor, near the eastern entrance. In the barracks the biggest building with the corridors leading you to the centre you need to be slightly to the north of the centre ring to set it on fire. Comment by Allakhazam Solo'd this as a 58 rogue. The torches do stack up, though i'm not sure if they do or don't when they're lit. I took this slow, waited for my cooldowns before attempting the next part.
I didn't die once. You basically sap the peon thats at the forge, you light it, then stealth it doesn't unlight the torch when you stealth or vanish , get to the building, though i recommend putting the torches on your action bar for quick convenience. Just be patient. Comment by Allakhazam This quest is very annoying, i'm 61 and I have died atleast 10 times trying to do this, the respawn time on the orcs in the camp is amazing fast, and those eye things get me tons of aggro.
Since I also have to kill every single one on the way to the next target, I keep having to go back to light he next torch.. If you are below 62 I would suggest brinning a friend or 2. Comment by Allakhazam I was barely able to solo this as a level 60 Warlock with Felguard. Died about times trying. One thing that did seem to work for me - I was able to work with two lit torches at a time. It seemed to help to have my voidwalker out instead of the felguard and then use sacrifice.
Rez, resummon the void, sacrifice again, and try to get back close to the forge to light the next set of torches.
Overall, a huge pain in the neck quest. Comment by Allakhazam torch only has a limited time to it, so if u light more then one at a time, make sure u have a path cleared to each target or u have to go back and relight more torches.
Comment by Allakhazam this was a horrible quest!. Comment by Allakhazam As a 61 discipline priest I was having a really hard time with this quest. I managed to burn the hovel nearest to the forge and the stables. It was a constant battle there and back because my crowd control is fear and there's way too many to fear in there. Then I got inspired Zeth'gor has a half circle shape. On one end is a fence that is easily jumped at the edge, near the fence is the barracks and a hovel.
On the other side is a guarded entryway, and just within is the other hovel and the forge. In the center of all this is the stables go around the back of the stables for the bounty quest. The problem with Zeth'gor is there are dozens of patrols and the respawn rate on everything is just ridiculous.
So, I rode around the outside of Zeth'gor to the southern entrance near the forge. On the way, I killed peons and collected the torches. I mounted near the helboars and just ran up to the rock wall and fought off whatever I didn't shake off during the ride.
From there I fought the few patrols and guards to the forge. I used two buttons, one to light a torch the torches do stack and one for a lighted torch. I shielded, mounted, and rode straight across the camp to the barracks. The lit torch item is instant so it immediately burned. From there I used renew, shield, and fear to get to the northern fence and jump over it.