The target is badly poisoned , with the damage caused by poison doubling after each turn. Toxic poisoning will remain with the Pokemon during the battle even after switching out. Battle Frontier prize - 32BP. Cancels all other weather moves. The effects of Hail will last for eight turns if its user is holding Icy Rock. Reward for beating Pryce. Bulk Up. Raises the user's Attack and Defense by 1 stage each.
Bullet Seed. Attacks times in one turn; if one of these attacks breaks a target's Substitute , the target will take damage for the rest of the hits.
If the user of this move has Skill Link , this move will always strike five times. Route Hidden Power. Var BP. Varies in power and type depending on the user's IVs ; maximum 70 BP. Will always run off the user's Special Attack regardless of type. Sunny Day. The effects of Sunny Day will last for eight turns if its user is holding Heat Rock. Prevents the target from using non-damaging moves for two to four turns. Ice Beam. Goldenrod Department Store - P Hyper Beam. The user recharges during its next turn; as a result, until the end of the next turn, the user becomes uncontrollable.
Light Screen. Light Screen will be removed from the user's field if an opponent's Pokemon uses Brick Break. It will also last for eight turns if its user is holding Light Clay. Almost always goes first. The user is protected from all attacks for one turn, but the move's success rate halves with each consecutive use of Protect , Detect or Endure.
Rain Dance. The effects of Rain Dance will last for eight turns if its user is holding Damp Rock. Slowpoke Well Basement. Giga Drain. Reward for beating Erika. Protects the user's entire team from status conditions for five turns.
Celadon Department Store - P Power increases as user's happiness decreases; maximum BP. The user prepares on turn one, becoming uncontrollable , and then attacks on turn two. Iron Tail. Reward for beating Jasmine. It also has normal accuracy against mid-air Pokemon who have used Fly or Bounce. Power doubles when performed against Pokemon using Dig. Power increases as user's happiness increases; maximum BP.
On the first turn, the user digs underground, becoming uncontrollable , and evades all attacks. Earthquake and Magnitude can hit underground and gain doubled power.
The user may also be hit underground if it was previously targeted by Lock-On or Mind Reader or if it is attacked by a Pokemon with No Guard. On the second turn, the user attacks. Gift from Mr. Shadow Ball. Brick Break. Reflect and Light Screen are removed from the target's field even if the attack misses. However, if the target is a Ghost-type, this will not occur. Battle Frontier prize - 40BP. Double Team. Raises the user's Evasion by 1 stage. Celadon Game Corner - coins. Reflect will be removed from the user's field if an opponent's Pokemon uses Brick Break.
Shock Wave. Reward for beating Lt. Route 28; Goldenrod Game Corner prize - coins. Sludge Bomb. The effects of Sandstorm will last for eight turns if its user is holding Smooth Rock. Gift from woman in house on Route 27 if your lead Pokemon is happy.
Fire Blast. Rock Tomb. Lowers the target's Speed by 1 stage. Union Cave lower floor. Aerial Ace. Prevents the target from using the same move for two turns in a row until the target is switched out. The target will use Struggle every other turn if it cannot attack without using the same move. Celadon Department Store - P; Route 8. Power doubles if the user is inflicted with burn , paralysis or poison. Goldenrod Lottery. Secret Power. The target may be put to sleep in any type of grass or in puddles , its Attack may be lowered by 1 stage while surfing on any body of water, its Speed may be lowered by 1 stage while on marshy terrain, its Accuracy may be lowered by 1 stage on beach sand, desert sand and dirt paths, it may flinch in caves or on rocky outdoor terrain, it may become frozen on snowy terrain and it may become paralyzed everywhere else including Wi-Fi battles.
Lake of Rage maze. The player boards the ship in Olivine City and is bombarded by a sailor looking for his daughter who got loose on the ship.
Searching the whole ship, the player finds a sailor who is angry that his co-worker is asleep on the job. Finding him and challenging him to a battle, he runs out of his cabin to join the mate. The player later finds the missing girl at the bottom of the ship. The girl asks the player to play hide and seek with her. The man from before then finds the girl as she mentions that the player was playing with her. The girl's grandpa thanks the player as the ship arrives at Vermilion City in Kanto. Surge who specializes in Electric types, and earning the Thunder Badge.
The player travels north to Saffron City and enters the Gym there defeating Sabrina , who specializes in Psychic types and had envisioned the player's arrival three years prior, and earns the Marsh Badge. Going back to Saffron and traveling east, the player comes to the Kanto Power Plant where they find that an important part of a machine in the plant has been stolen and they are unable to get the machine running.
Traveling north of Saffron to Cerulean City the player finds out that a suspicious character has been hanging out around the Gym. Traveling north onto Route 24 , the player finds and battles a Team Rocket grunt who is trying to revive the team unbeknownst to the fact that the team in Johto was disbanded by the player.
The player defeats the grunt who admits that he dropped the part in the Cerulean Gym. The player goes to the Gym and retrieves the Machine Part. They return it to the Power Plant and the machine is once again returned to its running state.
Talking to the director inside the tower, they receive the Radio Expansion Card which allows them to listen to radio stations in Kanto as a reward for restoring power at the Power Plant. Going back north to Cerulean and the up to Route 24, the player challenges the Nugget Crew and finds Misty with her boyfriend at Cerulean Cape.
Misty's boyfriend runs off angering her until she realizes that the player is indeed a challenger. After capturing, defeating, or running away from it, the player enters and goes through the Diglett's Cave emerging on Route 2 , just south of Pewter City. The player travels south across Route 2 and through Viridian Forest before arriving at Viridian City. The player then continues south to Pallet Town and surfs to Cinnabar Island.
There, the player sees Blue who mentions how the town previously found on the island was destroyed in a volcanic eruption, and that the town's Gym Leader had to relocate his Gym to the nearby Seafoam Islands. Blue then goes back to his Gym in Viridian.
The player travels east to the Seafoam Islands and finds Blaine 's Fire-type Gym within the islands and challenges him to earn the Volcano Badge. The player travels back to Viridian City and challenges Blue in his Gym, which does not seem to have any specialty in types, and defeats him to earn the Earth Badge.
The player goes back to Pallet Town and visits Professor Oak in his laboratory. Oak sees that the player has earned all of the Gym Badges in Kanto and, after giving them HM08 , decides to allow the player to enter Mt. Silver , a mountain so dangerous the average Trainer is not allowed to enter it, to challenge Red , who has been the champion of Kanto for three years and trains there constantly. The player goes to Mt. Silver and climbs to the top to find Red training mutely, and challenges him to a battle.
After a hard-fought battle, the player defeats Red, becoming the new champion of Kanto, and Red walks away without saying a word. The credits roll again. They will only appear on Thursdays and Saturdays.
That means the Stats will be reverted to those of the normal form. Rotom will also temporarily forget the move granted by this special form. Players could trade with others around the world using the Global Trade Station. This pedometer accessory was bundled with the games, and features different ways to interact with them. Players of HeartGold and SoulSilver are able to link up with up to three others players to play multiplayer events.
Some events were available to all Generation IV games, while others were exclusive to certain games. Both machines teach your Pokemon various moves, the name and type of which indicated by the TM or HM in question. Please keep in mind that the numbers and types of both HMs and TMs will vary from game to game, and will only be accurate for the most recent Pokemon games.
You'll also be able to use a Hidden Machine endlessly once found. In other words, once you have HM01 for Cut, you can teach it to as many Pokemon as you'd like, so long as the Pokemon in question is eligible to learn the move. Technical Machines differ in this respect.