Which revolver to buy

This makes it quite comfortable to shoot with. The frame and cylinder are stainless steel, and the cylinder locks up via a ball detent system for trouble-free operation. The rear sight is adjustable and has a white outline in the notch, and the front has red, ramped blade. Grips are pebbled rubber with finger grooves.

I shot one in the company of a local police officer who was equally impressed. On an indoor range at 50 feet and firing offhand in double action at 50 feet, we were easily able to keep our shots in the inner circle of a silhouette target—thanks to the excellent trigger pull.

This pull is made possible through the custom tuning done at the Performance Center. The R8 is so named because it holds eight rounds of. For those who are serious about their revolver shooting or plan to be, the black stainless steel cylinder is cut for moon clips.

These metal clips hold eight rounds together, and all you have to do is drop a loaded moon clip into the cylinder, close the cylinder and start shooting. The rear sight has an adjustable V notch, and the front is a blade and is also interchangeable. The finger-grooved synthetic grips are comfortable and offer a really secure hold.

While expensive, its feature set make this the ultimate revolver for defense. Give a Gift Subscriber Services. See All Special Interest Magazines.

All Handguns subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow. Get Digital Access. Subscribe To The Magazine. More Articles From Revolvers. This article takes a look at six top revolver candidates for home defense. December 16, By Payton Miller. This really is an ultralight j-frame 5 shooter snub nose revolver chambered for magnums it employs the scandium frame technology that has a superb sight picture and higher prominence tritium front night vision that the revolver is perfect for concealed carry law enforcement and personal protection that comes from 1.

Number four to the listing for the top 10 revolvers on the planet now is your dan and Wesson the exceptionally precise Airgun replica features all of the details that you find on the actual firearm the is as it was before designed to construct to be the most accurate rocky and flexible revolver on the market the original dan Weston revolver improved on the accuracy and service life of this conventional double-action revolver layout the double-action trigger is short and comparatively light while the single action is light and crisp then western revolvers became legendary because the preferred choice of serious revolver lovers and competition shooters because they were exceptionally well made and accurate.

Today with number one spot is none aside from the version plus that is a double-action revolver made by Smith and Wesson from the USA the model plus is an l-frame double-action revolver chambered in magnums that the l-frame smith and Wesson is a medium-heavy framework specifically designed to maintain the prolonged use with full power magnum loads in addition to any 3 8 special ammunition the also includes a 7 round cylinder giving you extra shot on a standard 6 shooter the smith and Wesson version along with double-action revolver has great balance handled smoothly and contains excellent accuracy this is a very versatile and powerful revolver for searching home defense law enforcement and goal competition.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Forgot your password? Password recovery. Recover your password. And your revolver will never turn into a one-shooter because you've accidentally misplaced the magazine. Here's a look at 10 of the best revolvers of all time, ranging from the greatest wheelgun from the Civil War to thelatest cutting-edge models. Arguably the single most aesthetic revolver of all time, the Army also holds the distinction of being the first ergonomic, practical-weight repeating handgun.

Of course, others came before - the slender, fragile. The also served with admirable distinction during the Civil war. Today, quality reproductions are readily available from A. Uberti and others. How can any revolver enthusiast not own one? The advent of the self-contained metallic cartridge forever changed the face of firearms, including revolvers.

Colt's Single Action Army SAA became the first truly successful design, and it went on to serve with distinction on the belts of various soldiers and lawmen for almost a century. Anyone who has reveled in the magic of the silver screen watched the likes of Roy Rodgers an extremely talented handgunner , John Wayne and others with their six shooters, and wanted one.

Cited as the finest production revolver ever made by various notable shooters, including Col. Jeff Cooper, the Python was originally designed as a premium-grade revolver and marketed as such. Known for outstanding ergonomics and accuracy and an exceptionally smooth, tight action, the Python remains to this day an icon among fine double-action revolvers.

Discontinued in the late a, Pythons soon became scarce on the marketplace, and today heavy sums must be laid out to purchase one. But if you're the kind of fellow that drives a classic sports car and orders your dry Martinis shakenand not stirred, nothing will do but a Python.

Favored by expert practical handgunners such as Skeeter Skelton and his son, Bart Skelton, as well as John Wooters and Jim Wilson, Ruger's Blackhawk is arguably the best working man's single-action revolver available. Its action is distinctly stronger than that of Colt's SAA, making it more suitable for stout magnum loads. It's more robust, too, and it is easily tuned and customized.

It comes standard with adjustable sights and is very reasonably priced. Mounting a scope on one, while considered a travesty by traditional wheelgunners, is painless and helps milk the inherent fine accuracy. The quintessential classic Blackhawk is typified by the early "flat top" models, but despair not: Ruger has made limited runs of flat tops recently, and with diligent search, they can be found and purchased.

Although it was introduced in the mids, the Model 29 didn't achieve its worldwide legendary status until Clint Eastwood used one actually several in the Dirty Harry films. Perhaps the epitome of a great. Commonly very accurate, Model 29s may be fired fast in double-action mode or precisely in single-action. Add superlative good looks, and it's easy to see why it remains one of the most popular big-bore revolvers of all time.


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