Who is najeeb mikati

Al-Qaa : Terre de culture du safran au Liban. All Middle East. Saint Charbel opens his eyes to the faithful in a new…. Dzovig Arnelian pave le chemin pour les jeunes artistes. European Film Festival in Lebanon. Home Files Who is Najib Mikati? Former Prime Minister Nagib Mikati. La bancocratie au Liban. Go to mobile version. Spelling error report The following text will be sent to our editors:. Your comment optional :.

The use of offshore companies is not illegal and not evidence of wrongdoing on its own, but the news organisations that published the trove said such arrangements could be intended to hide transactions from tax collectors or other authorities.

The Daraj report includes senior political figures and bankers in Lebanon who it said had used offshore havens. Mikati formed a cabinet last month after more than a year of political deadlock that has compounded Lebanon's financial crisis, which the World Bank has described as one of the deepest depressions in modern history.

His government needs to introduce reforms in order to resume talks with the International Monetary Fund and unlock foreign aid. In Lebanon's political system, the post of prime minister has to be held by a Sunni Muslim, while the presidency is held by a Maronite Christian.

Western governments have been piling pressure on Lebanon, one of the most heavily indebted states in the world, to form a government that can set about reforming the corrupt state. They have threatened to impose sanctions and said financial support will not flow before reforms begin. Daily newsletter Receive essential international news every morning. Take international news everywhere with you! Download the France 24 app. George Kordahi claimed that the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen was defending itself and that the war in Yemen should stop.

The statement is a symptom of the illness, not the illness itself. But again, I think the prospects of any of those are limited. The collapse of the Lebanese state has also pushed Hezbollah deeper into the illicit drug trade — there is less to steal from the national economy. The prime minister enjoys the visible trappings of power but it is ultimately Hezbollah which calls the shots.

He does not enjoy the wide popularity or the guts for confrontations. And with all those dossiers blowing up in his face, Mikati is clueless and helpless as well.

It controls the executive, it controls the legislature, it controls the presidency and it holds a sway over the judiciary and the media. The spokesman for the Egyptian presidency, Bassam Rady, said that the meeting dealt with the latest developments in the dam, with both parties agreeing to intensify coordination on this sensitive and vital issue. During the meeting, they also arranged for the holding of a joint committee between the two countries. The Tanzanian president also praised the pivotal role played by Egypt regionally in maintaining peace and security, praising Cairo for supporting stability in the Great Lakes region, East Africa and the Nile Basin, which she said was reflected by Egyptian support for resolving outstanding issues at international forums.

He also thanked Al-Kaabi for inviting him to attend the ministerial meeting, which will be part of the program of the World Conference on Creative Economy to be held from Dec. Both ministers also praised the projects carried out by the Saudi-UAE Cultural Council and underlined the importance of completing joint work in the field of culture. The conference is being organized with the United Nations, Germany and Italy, and comes head of elections planned in Libya for Dec.

Egypt, which is eyeing economic opportunities in Libya and has reestablished a presence in the capital Tripoli, has called for the elections to go ahead despite disputes over the planned poll among Libyan factions. Egypt supported eastern Libya-based forces under military commander Khalifa Haftar after a previous vote in escalated a conflict and effectively split the country between rival eastern and western camps.


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