She has to go back, see if Noah is okay, and tell him about her marriage. They both think the echo deep in their hearts, the one that has lasted all these years, is not shared by the other.
The cry they could not stifle. It wasn't over for me. Sign In. Edit The Notebook Jump to: Summaries 6 Synopsis 1. The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». Edit page.
Top Gap. See more gaps ». Create a list ». Films seen on BBC1. Fav Romances. When Cassavetes summoned Gosling to his home to tell him he wanted him to play Noah, the director told him, "I want you to play this role because you're not like the other young actors out there in Hollywood.
You're not handsome, you're not cool, you're just a regular guy who looks a bit nuts" via E News. As for Rachel McAdams , she herself was not a household name yet either. Cassavetes found her throughout the audition process, and prior to her casting, had considered Britney Spears for the role. Jessica Biel, Reese Witherspoon, and Ashley Judd all auditioned as well via E News ; Jessica Simpson was in talks for the part, but ultimately turned it down because of that steamy sex scene via CheatSheet.
Ultimately, the casting of McAdams and Gosling gave us two indelible performances, their subsequent real-life romance, and a memorable line in Saturday Night Live 's " Lazy Sunday. And obviously it worked! THAT'S dedication. Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears were considered for the lead roles. In which case the movie would have looked more like this:. Jessica Biel also auditioned for Allie and she was covered in blood. Ryan Gosling improvised that iconic, passionate line at the end of the movie.
You know when Noah confronts Allie at the end of the movie and forces her to come to terms with what she really wants, shouting, "What do you want! What do you want? Because he's that good. Ryan Gosling built the table in the dinner scene. Ryan decided to go method for his role as Noah and spent two months doing Noah things, like living in Charleston, South Carolina and building furniture.
It was nice the set designer featured some of his hard work in the film. Rachel did the same and took etiquette and took ballet classes for the film. Kobe Bryant once gifted his wife a dress from the film for Valentine's Day.
In at the late basketball player's memorial, his wife Vanessa Bryant recalled him hunting down the blue dress Rachel McAdams wore in the iconic kiss scene. She posted a picture of the romantic gift on her Instagram page. Type keyword s to search.
Today's Top Stories. How to Watch 'After We Fell'. Young Allie : Why didn't you write me? It wasn't over for me, I waited for you for seven years. But now it's too late. Young Noah : I wrote you letters. I wrote you everyday for a year. Young Allie : You wrote me? Young Noah : Yes Young Noah : It's not about following your heart and it's not about keeping your promises.
It's about security. Young Allie : What's that supposed to mean? Young Noah : [yelling] Money. He's got a lot of money! Young Allie : You smug bastard. I hate you for saying that. Young Noah : You're bored Allie. You're bored and you know it.
You wouldn't be here if there wasn't something missing. Young Allie : You arrogant son of a bitch. Young Noah : Would you just stay with me? Young Allie : Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin'. Young Noah : Well that's what we do, we fight You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass.
I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. Young Allie : So what? It's gonna be really hard.
We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out. Young Allie : What easy way?
There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. Young Noah : Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT? Young Allie : It's not that simple. Young Noah : What God damn it what do you want? Young Allie : I have to go now.
Young Allie : [lying in the middle of the street] What happens if a car comes? Young Noah : We die. Young Allie : Now, say you're a bird. Young Noah : If you're a bird, I'm a bird. Young Noah : We can just finish out the summer and see what happens then.
Young Allie : Please don't do this, you don't mean it. Oh why wait until the summer ends? Why don't you do it right now?