Why does assassins creed lag

Continue reading. You can also run the game at low settings but that takes all the fun away. If for some reason you are facing issues you can follow the guide given below.

Below are the settings for AMD and Nvidia graphics card users, apply these settings for the best performance. These settings should be good enough for you. Try tweaking a bit with the priority of the application, this also tends to give a little FPS boost.

Below are the links for downloading the latest drivers. Since this is a AAA title, I am sure Nvidia will be pushing an update with compatibility for this game. Make sure to keep an eye on your device driver updates. Another thing to check is, open up the task manager and check your memory and disk usage.

Close all applications non-windows that are eating your memory and using disk drive. If you are still stuttering with everything looking fine then you should probably wait for the hotfix update, which should be pushed out shortly. Full-screen optimization and DPI settings come pre-configured with Windows Once you have successfully added the game, you will then see the program settings become available for the game. AMD users can also do something similar on their control panels.

Finally, just enable Surface Format Optimization. If you have heavy applications running in the background, then there is a chance that the lag is being caused due to some applications eating up a lot of resources.

Make sure the arrow beside it is facing downwards. Doing this will pull the resource hungry applications on top. Look for the processes that you do not need, yet they are consuming a hefty chunk of the CPU. Remove them all. Just to let you know, there are a lot of other steps that are not listed here. Some of them might actually end up working for you. Check out this guide to discover them all. If the problem you are facing is a serious one then go here and submit a case to the Ubisoft support.

If you think this guide had helped you then let us know in the comment section below. Who knows, you might end up finding a fix. Your email address will not be published. Control Panel Start by tweaking the Control Panel settings of your graphics cards. Close demanding applications If you have heavy applications running in the background, then there is a chance that the lag is being caused due to some applications eating up a lot of resources. Go to the Start menu on your Desktop.

Press the Windows key and the letter R at the same time. Click the Delete key 4. I have already posted a complaint to Ubisoft. Let us see if they respond and release a patch I doubt it The pirated copies of this game apparently does not have this issue.

It is sad when pirated copies are a better functioning game. The server has since been fixed, but the DNS is taking time to propagate through the whole of the internet. You can try using public DNS servers, such as Google's, but I can provide you with direct support in this. I apologize for the inconvenience, Ubisoft Technical Support Thanks for this!!. Once I got it to save on my PC, it works. I used option 2 and pasted this in the file Win 7 64 bit. Up to date on updates.

Thanks again. Thanks for this list, the game had played fine up to Memory 5. Thanks, fix 2 worked for me!


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