Atividade sobre how many

In the public sector the transparency in the management of the public money is a growing aspiration of population. People are more conscious of their rights and their obligations and this makes the public power to create legal mechanisms of adjustment that discipline the administrative acts of the g Full description.

O processo de institucionaliza Iqha Chua Mandja. Ronalyn Quipao Ganancial. Artem Tolmachev. Edison Mejia. Ayaz Hussain. Liceth Dayana. Cristina Ablanida. TuS Nguyen. Heliana camperos. Ha Tran. Aimee Aguilar. M Nurlana. Lainnya Dari Renan Barbosa Queiroz. Renan Barbosa Queiroz. Nicoleta Cornelia Vintan. Populer di Plant. Jorge Chois. Erfin Zulita. Reddy Setyawan. It hunts small antelopes, other mammals and birds. This animal is very tall. It lives in East Africa, Angola and Zambia.

IT has a really long neck and short tail. Its color varies from beige to brown. It eats a lot of leaves, up to 66 kd a day. This a very large and strong animal, but it is not agressive. It has a very big head, small ears , dark brown eyes. It has black fur and no tail.

It lives in dense forest in central and west Africa. It lives in groups of 30 to 40 animals. It eats fruit, roots and plants. This animal is a big mammal.


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