Read more. Peel Apart Film? This is what it looks like below: Fujifilm FPC. Visual Synthesizer Breakdown Guide. Common Beginner Photography Mistakes to Avoid. Top 20 Portrait Mobile Lightroom Presets. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.
Search the Blog. Don't miss an update! Join our newsletter to get exclusive freebies and new content right to your inbox. Trending Now. Nice work Yevgeny. Excellent idea! Never thought of doing a 5-Frames………. Yevgeny, Thank you for the article and wonderful images! I too love the Land Cameras and enjoy the whole process of instant film they provide. Skip to content Home » Articles » 5 Frames Submit your 5 Frames After getting my , I found out just how good Polaroid film is and spent about 3 years only shooting pack film.
I also have a collection of the 3xx and 4xx series that are great but the and being fully manual are just that much better. I used it for testing and at some things like kid's parties. Feb 15, I've seen great results with the and as Brian says. Unfortunately the se or the Mamiya Universal is just completely out of the budget. I definitely want to stay as cheap as possible right now. These should be around the thrifts in good numbers.
I got a "reporter" off the bay for about that I'm not paying padded shipping costs. I quit buying from there years ago!
I've got a few on the eBay radar now. I'll see what they do today. There seem to be a whole lot of people buying these and converting them, or refurbing them and then selling them for nearly what they sold for years ago! I also just realized that the 'c' stands for color, I think. I didn't realize there was also a 'b' for instant black and whites. I really like the Polaroid automatic tripod mount, flip-down finder, decent lens, battery still available. And if you haven't already, try the fuji B.
I love that stuff! I would also second the recommendation to check out local thrift stores. Freestyle sold it last I checked. I've been reading that rwhirled site constantly and using as a reference for the models I'm looking at. I have a Model 80, what do I get to put in this thing?