Gibbs reflective cycle why is it good

What was really going on? Once you have considered the situation in an evaluative way, you can start to analyse it in greater detail by considering the above questions. At this stage you should also bring in ideas from outside the experience to help you. This could mean involving colleagues and peers in your reflections, but also to consult literature and theories in order to make sense of what happened. Conclusions: What can be concluded from these experiences and the analyses you have undertaken?

What can be concluded about your personal situation and your way of working? When you draw conclusions you ought to consider the general applicability as well as your specific situation. Think about what your conclusions mean for you personally, for your immediate context and then more widely for others, too.

Personal action plan: What are you going to do differently in this type of situation next time? What steps are you going to take on the basis of what you have learnt?

In order for you to improve on your practice and learn from specific experiences you need to take this stage particularly seriously. Think about what you can do differently and how you will improve your practice. The process of dividing sections went well. Dividing work according to individual strengths is useful. I have done it before and it seems to work well.

We were so focused on finishing quickly that no one would raise a concern. Jarvis, , where members of a group make a suboptimal decision because individuals are afraid of challenging the consensus.

Moreover, planning how we want the work to look, before we go off on our own is helpful. Lastly, I will remember the dangers of groupthink, and what the theory suggests to look out for. Moreover, I will suggest writing one section together before we do our own work, so we can mirror that in our own writing.

Finally, I will speak my mind when I have concerns, by remembering it can benefit the outcome. Gibbs G Learning by Doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford. Skip to main content.

Search: Search. Reflection Toolkit. So what? Now what? Contact us. It covers 6 stages: Description of the experience Feelings and thoughts about the experience Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad Analysis to make sense of the situation Conclusion about what you learned and what you could have done differently Action plan for how you would deal with similar situations in the future, or general changes you might find appropriate.

Below is further information on: The model — each stage is given a fuller description, guiding questions to ask yourself and an example of how this might look in a reflection Different depths of reflection — an example of reflecting more briefly using this model This is just one model of reflection.

Gibbs' reflective cycle. For an assessed written group-work assignment, my group 3 others from my course and I decided to divide the different sections between us so that we only had to research one element each. We therefore had to rewrite most of the assignment to make it a coherent piece of work. We had given ourselves enough time before the deadline to individually write our own sections, however we did not plan a great deal of time to rewrite if something were to go wrong.

Therefore, two members of the group had to drop their plans that evening so the assignment would be finished in time for the deadline. In this step, you describe the feelings you felt during the experience. In this step, we objectively evaluate the experience. It is essential to be as honest as possible to get the most out of this process. Questions that can help here include:.

In this step, you describe what you think might have helped or hindered the situation. The aim is to explore the options that might be available to you if you encountered a similar situation again.

This step is an excellent opportunity to conduct some research into academic models or tools might have helped you. Now you have analyzed the different options available to you, in this step its time to focus and draw some conclusions. It is crucial you commit and take action on your plan so that real change occurs. Retrospectively using the model, your analysis might look something like this:.

I only got to slide three before the whole thing fell apart! The finance director asked me a question on the figures, and I got flustered. The first half of the model helps you collate what happened during your previous experience, while the second half helps you understand the improvement options available and take action, so you improve your performance in any similar situations you encounter in the future.

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