How many words does mockingjay have

How many chapters does Mockingjay have? How many chapter are there in The Hunger Games' third book Mockingjay? Why is Mockingjay called Mockingjay? How many pages are in the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins? How many pages does the mockingjay book have from the hunger games?

How many pages does Mockingjay book have by Suzanne Collins? What genre is the book Mockingjay from? The narrator in the mockingjay book is in 1st or 3rd person? When was MockingJay published? Will there be any more books after mockingjay? How many chapters are in the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins? Is the book Mockingjay a good book? Where can you read Mockingjay? Is mocking jay ar book? Will there be a fourth Hunger Games novel?

What movie connects to the book mockingjay? When was the book Mockingjay written? What is the genre of the book Mockingjay? Is the book Mockingjay realistic fiction? Is the Book Mockingjay appropriate? How many chapters are in the book Mockingjay? People also asked. What is the word count for Mockingjay? How many pages are in the book 'Mockingjay'? How many words are in the novel The Hunger Games? How many chapters does Mockingjay have? How many chapter are there in The Hunger Games' third book Mockingjay?

Why is Mockingjay called Mockingjay? How many pages are in the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins? How many pages does the mockingjay book have from the hunger games? How many pages does Mockingjay book have by Suzanne Collins? What genre is the book Mockingjay from? The narrator in the mockingjay book is in 1st or 3rd person? When was MockingJay published?

Will there be any more books after mockingjay? How many chapters are in the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins? Is the book Mockingjay a good book? Where can you read Mockingjay? Is mocking jay ar book? Will there be a fourth Hunger Games novel? What movie connects to the book mockingjay? When was the book Mockingjay written? What is the genre of the book Mockingjay? Is the book Mockingjay realistic fiction? Is the Book Mockingjay appropriate? There are various methods you can try, but even companies like Amazon only offer the page count which varies by edition.

In the quest for word counts, I stumbled onto this post by Andrew Winkel, first published in He had helpful directions to the AR BookFinder website, which among other things, such as quizzes and ratings helpfully has the word counts of hundreds of books. Below are several different YA series, their word counts per book and total word counts for the entire series. Only word counts are below, not page counts, as some novels vary between editions.

Hunger Games: 99, [AR Page]. Divergent: , [AR Page]. Insurgent: , [AR Page]. Allegiant: , [AR Page]. Throne of Glass: , [AR Page]. Crown of Midnight: , [AR Page]. Heir of Fire: , [AR Page]. Unwind: 95, [AR Page]. UnWholly: , [AR Page].

UnSouled: , [AR Page]. UnDivided: , [AR Page]. Twilight: , [AR Page]. New Moon: , [AR Page]. Eclipse: , [AR Page]. Breaking Dawn: , [AR Page]. However there are some interesting findings in the word counts. Firstly, most YA books are far longer than I expected. I thought most would hover around the 85k mark, but instead, almost every novel in the list was over k words.

The expert writing style and pace makes the words fly from the pages. A quick check of the Percy Jackson series revealed the novels all staying around 89k per book, for a very rough total of , words.

Most of the other series fell somewhere within the kk mark. You can use this information as you see fit. Word counts — although flexible — are a useful guide, especially when plotting the number of chapters and drafting your work.

In Summary: Use this information as a guide only. Thoughts , Writing Tips. February 10, at am. Nice math.


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