Once you understand the format better then you can move up to the more competitive auctions. As a new bidder, inexpensive items provide the best opportunities for some quick wins, as they draw less competition compared to expensive items. They do not. Remember the real cost to buy bids. Use a credit card to purchase different bid packages or bid packs:. Occasionally, Quibids has promotions where you can earn free bids.
And multiple daily auctions for bid packs and voucher bids take place. Be conservative yet realistic. Be slow in your bidding so other bidders notice you are there. When the bidding heats up, that is the right time for you to bid more aggressively. Your assertiveness will chase away other bidders, resulting in you taking away the item. Generally speaking, the best time to bid is during off-peak hours or slower hours. Off-peak hours can be when other bidders are at work or sleeping.
Before entering an auction, check out the statistics tab on your products. It has some of the most valuable information such as the average winning bids, average closing price, etc.
You can also check the fees of each bid, the shipping costs, bidding limits, winning limits, promotions, etc. Use the Bid-O-Matic tool that places your bids when you are busy, hence improving your chances of winning an auction.
Moreover, you can also earn an extra bid by ranking your game play before claiming your win. Power bidding is a tactic of the bidder in which he or she deliberately bids very frequently. Their sole motive is to drive up the product prices so that they can intimidate other bidders and win the item.
If you are a beginner, we strongly advise you to stay away. If you are an experienced bidder and know the history of power bidders in a given auction, watch the game and jump in when others back off. Until then, let other bidders battle it out and spend their bids. Get to know the other bidders, their bidding style, and behavior. For instance, why does one bidder jump in late while one is there from start to finish. The idea that voucher bids are free is ludicrous at best. You either bid on a voucher bid auction or you pay for them if you win a gift card auction.
Lastly, the real bids you used to bid on an auction are returned to you as voucher bids if you lose Quibids doesn't offer hardly any products to win. Their selection of prizes is very limited to the same old gift cards they have been offering for years. You do not see all auctions all the time. The web page will refresh on its own and an auction will disappear.
If you refresh again, it will reappear. So, in some way they are regulating what auctions you can see and bid on.
I have been a player almost since inception. I avoid many players, that I keep data on. I have noticed recently since fewer auctions are available and they are not 24 hours any longer, that some players are ALWAYS playing.
I cannot see how this is logical. These are players that have huge amounts of voucher bids stored, that make it impossible for new and small players to win. I have seen power players use voucher bids to win a 50 voucher auction obviously for intimidation. In all fairness to novices the site needs to limit amount of auctions played along with number of wins.
The costs on winning auctions allowing a player to go above 12 auction win in a 28 day getting costlier for veteran players that are playing always. New players will keep the site stronger and allow novices a better chance to avoid the skilled players like myself.
Except I rarely bid on bid buster auctions. I enjoy the site and playing, but I restrict myself because I am aware how costly some auctions are. I avoid and especially around 25 power players who will play to win at ALL costs. I am willing to assist any new player if there were a forum, my suggestion to new players thinking of playing Don't.
Good luck. Quibids is a total sham. They lure you in with "real" winning bids on great stuff but those are not real bids. They have their own people or machines controlling some of the bids, then advertise those as "real" winning bids on their site.
They'll let new users win their first bid to get them hooked, then after that users get screwed over. Be careful, I thought I was just putting in my information and they charged me without telling me first.
Also, when I submitted my info online, it said an error occurred and that it did not take my payment method which is a visa debit card. Luckily my bank CItizens has great fraud alert and they alerted me like 5 minutes after the charge occurred.
I now have to close out this bank account and get a new one because I don't trust what this crazy site will do with my information. Some would say my own fault for not checking it out in advance. I definitely learned a lesson that not all sites are legit like Amazon, some of these little ones are really out to scam you. Be careful everyone and I do not recommend this site. If you have put your info in, check your bank account for random charges that you did not authorize. Awesome ceiling fans, camping equipment etc.
Now they offer more bid auctions than those gift cards. I too have witnessed collusion from two bidders. It was so obvious that anyone could have seen it.
I wrote to them a few times about it and got the same story. Their auction offerings of some nice products have drastically gone downhill. Also, I would always look up the retail value of items I was bidding on to verify their retail price and what others charged was comparable.
That is no longer the case. Very sad. It looks like they're going to go belly up soon. I signed a few days ago and all of a sudden, they took There are so many auctions company out there that do not charge anything upon registration!
This company is fishy, avoid! Once upon a time QuiBids was wonderful. I even win a KitchenAid stand mixer with one bid. Practically everything in my kitchen came from QuiBids.
They had good quality stuff. They would have 14 auctions going at the same time. I do believe QuiBids has hired other people to bid against regular people driving up the price to make QuiBids more money. I also notice certain names of people bidding against everyone else but won't bid against each other then these people vanish, only to have 2 or 3 new people doing the same type of bidding. I guess they had to change shifts.
But, if you just watch and pay close attention, these people stick out like a sore thumb. Shame on you QuiBids. You were fair, but now you're a fraud. Months ago, I noticed two bidders in collusion to win auctions.
If you win an auction, you will be notified via pop-up, email and the won auction will be listed in the "Won Auctions" section of your account. We utilize several different carriers and freight companies.
After an item is shipped out, the information regarding the designated tracking number and carrier used is made available to you in the "Order History" section of your account. In order to redeem those three free bids, you must first purchase the "Starter Bids Package. You say bids can expire, if applicable. Which bids expire? Only Voucher bids? And does the "lifespan" vary for each set of expirable bids? All bids have designated expiration dates.
These expiration dates are available to view in the "Bid Credit History" section of your account. After winning an auction, you will need to "claim" the item, which adds that to your cart. From there, you will need to proceed to checkout, in order to purchase that won auction, as you are required to pay the auction ending price, plus shipping. After that, Paypal become an option. There are a few ways that you can earn free bids, other than referring friends. You can also earn badges within your account.
Each badge is earned by reaching certain achievements in your account. When you claim a badge, you will receive free bids. Also, you can like QuiBids on facebook and follow us on Twitter and have a chance to win the daily giveaways!
Once you become a member, are there bid packs available in other amounts, either less or more? Thank you for your time. After that initial purchase, smaller and larger bids packages are available to purchase in the "Buy Bids" section of your account. If you lose an auction, you are not required to pay the auction price, no.
However, the bids that you placed into the auction are non-refundable. But, that is where the 'Buy Now' option is useful! We do not allow users to pay more for an item then it is worth. Therefore, an auction will automatically end, once it reaches the value price. However, it very rarely reaches that point.
That "1X" indicates that the winner of the auction will also be awarded with a 1X Gameplay! Gameplays allow you to play one of our games located in the "Games" section for the chance to win some free bids! Our shipping rates are always listed in the Item Description for your review prior to placing any bids in an auction! We are want you to know early so there are no surprises!
I was watching an auction and keen to bid but waiting and then the auction became locked. Every auction will lock at some point if it goes long enough. When that point is though is random. We try to ship everything out as quickly as possible, but it can take up to business days for an order to process, ship and be delivered. I am still confused about the bid costs. If I bid several times, lets say.
Beginner's auctions are reserved for users who have not yet won their first auction. You can find these auctions by the blue outline on the main page instead of the more common gray outline. Also I have seen a few times the clock stop at 5,6 and 7 seconds and not start for a while????
Why does the clock stop, it seams that this is set up to get a high value. If you bid on a stopped clock it will start again. It sounds like you are experiencing a little bit of internet lag which is resulting in a delay in your screen updating. Please be sure that your system meets our recommendations as this will help mitigate some of this for you. If you did not win the auction, you are not required to pay anything else. You will have the choice though of paying the difference between the value of your bids and the item value price so you can still claim it.
If I am bidding on a clothing item and win, do I choose my size? I only see the picture of the item, not the size. Thank you. You should be able to change the size of the item in the drop-down box right above the item title in the description. If the option is not available or you can not find it, please contact our Customer Support Team and we will be more than happy to help! Yes, you can bid if and when you decide.
It is totally up to you! The transaction fee is a fee we are required to collect to process a gift card purchase for you. You will always be able to see what this fee will be before placing any bids in the Item Description. How much is a "bid? Or, are products available to anyone for bidding regardless of their location? For example, can someone in California bid against someone in New York? You could be bidding against users in different timezones or even different countries.
However, anything that you see on our site to bid on will be from your own country and of the same approximate value in the auction. This means the auction is only available to the users who were actively participating in the auction when it locked. This prevents more users from jumping in when others have already been bidding in the auction for awhile.
I've already emailed customer support for a refund and I wanted to know how long it could take for a reply? We try to respond to all emails as soon as possible, but it could take up to business days for us to respond.
However, we will get to your request as soon as humanly possible! Contact our Customer Support team though the Help section and we will be more than happy to help you out! So, each bid is. Like if i bid at Each bid is pre-paid, so you will not have to pay for your bids afterwards. As a new user, must I bid on a beginner auction before bidding on the "big" auction items? Must I win a beginner auction? No, you are not required to bid in these auctions.
We offer them as a way to get your feet wet without immediately competing against more experienced users, but it's up to you! However, don't forget, once you win any auction beginner or not you will not be able to compete in any more beginner auctions.
There are constantly auctions occurring on our site. How long they last is up to you and the other users participating. Yes, if you win an auction, you have 3 business days from the time the auction ends to claim your item and check out.
If you have trouble along the way, contact our Customer Support Team! Limit Buster auctions are won or purchased via Buy Now and automatically deduct the specified number of wins from your day auction win limits. This enables you to participate in more auctions. Limit Busters won't cancel out products you've paid for, they simply open up additional spots for more wins.
When a limit buster is purchased, it will remove the most recently won items from your day win limits. Too often when I bid at 1 second the auction ended and said I was too late. This was NOT the fault of my computer or connection because most of the time it goes through. I am not happy losing a lot of bids because the auction ended and the system did not take my bid. If this problem cannot be remedied it is pointless to continue. I was not waiting at one second, but clicking promptly.
You can always send the auction number and a description of what happened to our Customer Support Team and we will be more than happy to look into this for you! Is the " buy now" price below most advertised retail pricing ; say I didn't win an auction I've participated in and hit the "buy now" button. Will the "buy now" price result in somewhat below retail savings?
We recommend that you do your research prior to bidding to determine if you think the value price is a fair price or not. It's just like buying the item at retail price! So at least you had a chance at getting it at a discount, eh? Please note that this offer applies to real bids only, and that voucher bids to do not apply to the Buy Now option.
The bids you purchased do not pay for your auction wins. Locked auctions are a new feature on all QuiBids auctions that allows bidders to win more easily by limiting the competition in each auction. If you would like to add new billing or shipping information, you will have this option at the time of your next purchase. I didn't understand when I started bidding that each time I pressed down -6o cents!
I Love it! And I kinda figures out hot to bid Hint: If you see than tons of people are bidding on the item you want You probably wont get it so dont waste your bids!
I did waste mine at first but I learned! We are glad to hear that it worked out so well for you! Please be sure to read the rest of the QuiBids and Help sections to learn how to keep your winning fortunes going! It is free to belong to QuiBids. You only pay for your purchases. You have to purchase bids to participate in our auctions.
Do I actually have to pay money? If yes, how much? If you use those bids in an auction and lose the auction, you are not required to pay anything else. Can some please further explain the no bid before the clock is at 5 mins? So what is the time limit set for bidding for each auction?