But when he steps down onto the floor of the boat, Richard Parker kills him. Pi cries and rinses his eyes with seawater. The lifeboat comes across a low island covered entirely with algae. Pi and Richard Parker stop for a time, eating the vegetation, drinking the fresh water, and nursing themselves back to health.
Pi notices that the island burns his feet at night but not during the day. Seeing that meerkats spend the nights in the treetops, Pi, who has been sleeping on the lifeboat, joins them.
One day, Pi discovers a tree that bears fruit. However, the center of each fruit holds a human tooth. From this evidence, Pi decides that the island is carnivorous. He stocks the lifeboat with dead fish and meerkats and eats and drinks his fill of algae and fresh water. Then he waits for Richard Parker to board the lifeboat and pushes off into the sea. SparkTeach Teacher's Handbook. Themes Motifs Symbols. Mini Essays Suggested Essay Topics. Pi, terrified, jumps overboard.
Chapter 38 takes us back to the night that ship sank. Was the frenchman real in life of pi? Asked by: Kian Rau PhD. Why did Richard Parker not look back? What did pi eat on the boat? How did Pi lose his humanity? Did PI imagine the tiger? Why did pi leave the island? What finally marks the rock bottom of Pi's suffering?
What marks the rock bottom of Pi's suffering? When Pi goes blind. What did pi find in the tree What was his conclusion? How did PI go blind? Was Life of Pi based on a true story? Who is Gita Patel in Life of Pi? Did Pi lose his humanity? What did PI realize was wrong with his plan? How did Richard Parker keep Pi alive? What happened when PI caught a shark?
How did PI tame the tiger? What is the moral of the Life of Pi? What is the moral lesson of the movie Life of Pi? How did the ship sink in Life of Pi? Also, the Frenchman — though at this point Pi thinks Richard Parker is speaking — admits to having killed two people, just like the cook did. Should we trust those pesky investigators?
We're not sure. Pi, in a delirium of starvation and guilt, could very well have imagined the blind Frenchman. We have no simple answers The blind Frenchman does highlight Pi's madness and the depravity of cannibalism which, if we must remind you, your dear Pi commits. Perhaps it's a good thing Richard Parker gets rid of this Frenchman quickly: he complicates the allegory and perhaps represents the evil that Richard Parker, through his own violence, dispatches.