Microsoft vs apple who is better

Microsoft logo is seen on the smartphone in front of displayed Apple logo in this illustration taken, July 26, O as the world's most valuable company on Wednesday, a day before the iPhone maker reports its quarterly results. This is because the Apple Mac operating system was written specifically hardware components which were optimised to work together and allows everything to run more smoothly. That all changed several years ago when Apple stopped manufacturing their own computer chips.

They instead chose to resell Intel which means both Apple Mac and Windows now use common hardware. Microsoft is more open in this regard allowing Microsoft Windows to be installed on virtually any hardware. As a result of this, you have more flexibility in the type of device you want to use. Many users choose to have an Apple Mac because it looks nice and sleek.

Microsoft manufactures hardware and have a range of products to suit every type of user. Microsoft has the biggest market share which makes it a target for attackers, rendering their users more vulnerable. A wide range of malware is available for Microsoft Windows, but Mac users still need Antivirus and Malware protection.

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Image source: Getty Images. Questioning an investing thesis -- even one of our own -- helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer. Join Stock Advisor Discounted offers are only available to new members. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Stocks Tech Stocks. Table of Contents Expand. The Apple Business Model.

The Microsoft Business Model. Special Considerations: Google. Apple Business Model vs. Key Takeaways Apple and Microsoft are two of the biggest companies in the world, alternating the title of the world's most valuable company. Apple's business model is based on innovation and consumer-centric devices.

They are able to keep their base due to easy-to-use designs and data migration to new product lines. Microsoft built its success on the licensing of software such as Windows and Office Suite. Their business model has shifted, and they are releasing their own devices to compete with Apple's. Both companies are run differently with a different end purpose. They are both extremely successful and have revolutionized their respective industries. Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work.

These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Compare Accounts.


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