Minecraft why do wolves growl

Type: Bug. Status: Open. Resolution: Unresolved. Labels: audio noise sound tamed-wolf wolf. Confirmation Status: Confirmed. Category: Mob behaviour , Sound.

If you get far enough away, your dog will teleport to you. Wild Wolves naturally breed, but to breed them in captivity, you must have two adult tamed wolves. Feed both wolves a type of meat including rotten flesh! It is recommended to feed your new puppy, as wolves are born with almost no health.

Minecraft PC Wiki Explore. Please remove this notice once you've added suitable isometric renders to the article. The specific instructions are: 12w34a tame wolf all collars textures. Tamed wolves with dyed collars. A hostile wolf looking and running at the player. Cancel Save. Fan Feed 1 Java Edition 1. Universal Conquest Wiki. Raw Cod Raw Salmon. Pufferfish Tropical Fish. Pufferfish can be fed to wolves without making them get the Hunger , Poison and Nausea status effects.

Cooked Cod. Raw Chicken. Raw chicken can be fed to wolves without making them get the Hunger status effect. Cooked Chicken. Cooked Porkchop Steak.

Rotten Flesh. Rotten flesh can be fed to wolves without making them get the Hunger status effect. Raw Mutton. Cooked Mutton. Cooked Rabbit. Cooked Salmon.

Rabbit Stew. Wolf pants [sound 1]. None [sound 2]. This does not have to be in a single game, so multiple games or reloading old saves does count toward this achievement.

Other breed-able mobs, if any, can be bred, but are ignored for this advancement. Notch confirmed the addition of wolves after having breakfast with an idol of his likely Peter Molyneux.

Jeb posted a first image of wolves. Jeb posted a second image of wolves, with updated texture and model, showing one of them in a sitting pose. Jeb posted a video of the wolves in action. Normal texture has been changed and tamed version of wolves now has special texture. Added wolves. Wolves can be tamed. Tech Support 5 Answers Why are my villagers disappearing? General 5 Answers What folder do I put a downloaded map in to use it? Main Quest 2 Answers Stopping enemies spawning in my house?

Build 7 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? I just figured it was bad luck I tame the wolf, and take him back to my house. For a day or so, he sits there and barks happily whenever I'm near


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